THE STATE OF THE EUROPEAN UNION REPORT. Europe in a period of transition

THE FUTURE ARCHITECTURE OF EUROPEAN SECURITY 119 partnership agreement that established solid and equal bonds between the two sides. European autonomy on defence matters does not have to harm cooperation with the United States. In the same way that the United States has a sufficient self-defence capability and can – and does – act alone without that affecting its transatlantic commitment, the EU too could act alone when it consid- ered it appropriate and in alliance with the United States when necessary. The central core of European security architecture in the coming decades can be no other than an autono- mous, solid and credible European Union of Defence, in which other European countries that are not members of the EU could of course take part. Europe has come of age now and must demonstrate that by taking responsibility for its own defence and becoming an independent global player, with a strategy of its own in the exclusive interests of its citizens and of peace, notwithstanding respect for existing alliances or others that could be signed in the future. That is the path.