THE STATE OF THE EUROPEAN UNION REPORT. Europe in a period of transition

BIOGRAPHIES 127 than twenty years she has been dedicated to the anal- ysis of the economy and economic policy in both the international and national context, with an outstanding knowledge of the European Union framework, having participated regularly in the preparation of ESC reports on the economic governance of the EU. Mercedes Guinea Llorente is professor of Inter- national Relations at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Guinea Llorente is a specialist in European in- tegration. Her primary lines of research are the political model of the European Union and European foreign poli- cy. In 2016 she collaborated with Fundación Alternativas as the co-author of Renegotiation by the United Kingdom of its constitutional relationship with the European Un- ion: Issues related to Sovereignty, a study commissioned by European Parliament’s Committee on Parliamentary Affairs and conducted jointly with Francisco Aldecoa. Björn Hacker is professor of European Economic Policy at the University of Applied Sciences (HTW) Berlin. He is member of the academic advisory board of the Insti- tut für europäische Politik (IEP). His main areas of research include European Economic Governance, European Social Policy and the comparative study of welfare state poli- cies in the EU. Prior to 2014 he worked at the Friedrich- Ebert-Stiftung in Berlin. His latest main publications are: A European Social Semester? The European Pillar of Social Rights in practice (ETUI Brussels, 2019), Weniger Markt, mehr Politik. Europa rehabilitieren , (J.H.W. Dietz Nachf. Bonn, 2018), The divided Eurozone. Mapping Conflicting Interests on the Reform of the Monetary Union , (together with Cédric M. Koch, FES Brussels, 2017). Diego López Garrido is executive vice-president of the Fundación Alternativa and President of the Fun- dación Alternativa’s Council of European Affairs. He is an economist, has a Chair in Constitutional Law and is Legal consultant for the Spanish Cortes. Former member of the Spanish Parliament and of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. He was Secretary of State for the European Union (2008-2011) and coordinated the 2010 Spanish Presidency of the EU. He also served as the Socialist Group’s spokesman in the Congress of Deputies and has been elected as MP for six terms. He was member of the Convention for drafting the European Constitution, representing the Spanish Parliament (2002-2003). He is author of many books on human rights, economics, poli- tics and European Community Law. His last publications are: La Edad de Hielo. Europa y Estados Unidos ante la Gran Crisis: el rescate del Estado de bienestar (RBA, 2014), The Ice Age. Bailing Out the Welfare State in the Era of Austerity (London Publishing Partnership, 2015), Paraísos fiscales. Veinte propuestas para acabar con la gran evasión (La Catarata, 2016). Recently he published Lecciones de Derecho Constitucional de España y de la Unión Europea (Tirant Lo Blanch, 2018). Inmaculada Ordiales Hurtado holds a PhD in Economics from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Ma- drid and a postgraduate degree in European Business from the École Supérieure du Commerce Extérieur in Paris. Since 1999, she has been a member of the Studies and Analysis Department of the Spanish Economic and Social Council, where she coordinates and participates in analyses and reports on the international, European and Spanish economy, including the annual reports on the economic governance of the European Union. María Pallares is programme coordinator at the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), Madrid. Previously, she has worked as research fellow for Notre Europe (Paris), the Rafael Campalans Foundation (Barcelona) and as free- lance consultant. She holds a Master in European Affairs from Sciences Po., Paris. Rosa Pérez Monclús is a political advisor in the European Parliament in the area of civil liberties, educa- tion and culture. She holds a degree in economics and business management and administration from Univer- sitat Pompeu Fabra, and a Master’s degree in Cultural and Creative Industries from King’s College London. She