THE STATE OF THE EUROPEAN UNION REPORT. Europe in a period of transition

THE EU NEXT GENERATION RECOVERY FUND, THE YEAR OF ITS IMPLEMENTATION 57 Another important point that deserves special at- tention is working conditions becoming more unstable, taking place in the platform economy. Regarding so- cial media platforms, on the other hand, the recently approved Digital Services Act determines that these platforms should take more responsibility than a mere website, particularly in terms of guaranteeing that the European digital single market really remains open to all operators. In short, 2021 was the year to implement the grand recovery and transformation programme NextGenera- tionEU rope. Now is the time to execute the national re- covery and resilience plans that the MS have presented. This is going to represent an enormous management challenge for the Administration and a huge challenge for the private sector. The latter is going to have the chance to present projects to match the goals described above. These projects will improve citizens’ lives and solve real problems for companies. In this way, the NGEU can live up to its name and transform the lives of future genera- tions in the European Union. Bibliography Borrell, J.: European Foreign Policy in Times of COVID-19 , Brussels, European External Action Service, 2021. Bradford, A.: The Brussels Effect: How the European Union Rules the World, Oxford, Oxford UP, 2020. Leonard, M., Pisani-Ferry, J., Shapiro, J., Tacliapietra, S. y Wolff, G.: “The EU Can’t Separate Climate Policy from Foreign Policy”, Foreign Affairs , February 2021. Fernández, J.: Volver a las raíces , Madrid, Clave Intelec- tual, 2021. Manrique, M.: Europa Global: la gestación de la nue- va arquitectura de la política de cooperación para el desarrollo de la Unión Europea, Fundación Cideal, June 2021. Matiesen, K. y Tamma, P.: “Europe’s plan to tax the world into climate ambition”, Politico , April 2021. Sandbu, M.: “The EU’s Green Gamble Could Make It a Low-Carbon Leader”, Financial Times, July 2021.