THE STATE OF THE EUROPEAN UNION Towards a new legislative term
2022-2023: CONFEDERAL PROGRESS COMPATIBLE WITH FEDERAL DEEPENING 71 internationally, because it is an informal group of 44 states which in turn represent more than 700 million inhabitants and this is the prime worldwide economic group, with great differences over the rest both in trade and in wealth. It is relevant for them to be seen together at head-of-state level. These same figures had met in Reykjavik two weeks earlier, within the framework of the Council of Europe, where they only talked about val- ues, human rights and culture, while in this forum they began to address other topics such as energy or physical and technological networks, among others. We should also mention that bilateral meetings were held in parallel to the conference concerning various political dialogues between the Heads of State of coun- tries such as Azerbaijan or Armenia, that were at war, or Kosovo and Serbia, presided by Macron, and the heads of state of North Macedonia and Bulgaria concerning territorial claims with the aim of lifting the Bulgarian veto on North Macedonia joining the EU. Europe-Latin America Summit (33+17) (16th and 17th July) The Euro-Latin American Summit took place for the first time in 7 years in Brussels, applying the 23-year strate- gic association between Europe and Latin America. This meeting attempted to strengthen this strategic associa- tion using various mechanisms. We mention this asso- ciation here because, in one way or another, it is also inspired by a latent confederal vision and a strictly in- tergovernmental rationale although supported by some common interests, shared values and a similar vision of the world, so much so that it also has confederal aspira- tions. In turn, to the extent that the future aim is not only to form a relationship between the EU and the CELAC, but also between Latin America and the Caribbean and Eu- rope, perhaps the EPC should thereby also consider this perspective where the confederal aspect is applicable as well. It is important that the Ministers of the Economy from 3 CELAC countries will attend some sessions at the ECOFIN meeting on 15th September, alongside their EU27 counterparts. Progress in communitisation in the Security and Defence Policy and in the sanctions In the case of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP), the reverse effect is happening. In other words, we are seeing a shift from intergovernmental to com- munity. Until now, it has been run of the mill to say that the CFSP and the CSDP were clearly intergovernmental and so also had a certain confederal aspiration. How- ever, over the last few months and as a particular con- sequence of the EU’s response to the Russian war of ag- gression against Ukraine, a different effect is emerging. Consequently, we would go so far as to say that there is a certain communitisation in some elements of Foreign Policy. In other words, decisions that required unanimity until now are being passed using various tools which do not. This is the case of Hungary’s con- structive abstention regarding the 11 sanction packages against Russia, particularly the latest ones. Thanks to this interpretation, the sanctions can to go ahead. This novelty is also illustrated by applying Article 179 of the TFEU, an article intended to promote industry. By inter- preting it broadly, the European Commission has proposed the purchase of munition for several million euros. I would even say that these are decisions which seemed unfeasible until now as they could only be approved unanimously. By applying this article, munition and weapons can only be bought from European countries. The Verhofstadt Report’s federal proposal (22nd August) It is important to remember how the European Parlia- ment requested the revision of the treaties in its deci- sion on 4th May and 11th June through the request to the European Council concerning a Convention to re- vise the Treaties by applying article 48 of the CJEU. It is common knowledge that the European Council has not done this to date. However, a motion was proposed by the Parliament, led by Verhofstadt and another 4 leaders from the main political groups on 22nd August 2023, signed by the speakers from the Constitutional Com-