Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 560 ❚ European Curriculum Recommendations Syllabus Items Knowledge Skills Attitudes and behav- iour Level of competence Minimumclinical exposure Assessment tools* Sample cinical situ- ation 1) Physiology of cough, short- ness of breath, noisy breathing including wheeze, snoring, stridor • Anatomy of upper and lower airways • Respiratory physiology and pathophysiology in relation to clinical symptoms and signs • Physiology of airway clearancemechanisms including cough • Recognition and evalua- tion of symptoms and signs • Ability to explain the ori- gins of symptoms and signs •Willingness to listen and evaluate history as related 3 2) Evaluation and management of isolated cough • Current published guidelines • Undertaking a clinical evaluation of isolated cough •Willingness to address parents’ anxieties about cough 3 • Portfolio documentation of five patients presenting with isolated cough • Feedback on letters • MiniCEX • CbD • Differential diagnosis andmanagement of a child with chronic isolated cough 3) Evaluation and management of dyspnoea • Pathophysiology and aetiologies of difficulty in breathing and short- ness of breath • Undertaking the clinical evaluation of difficulty in breathing and shortness of breath • Recognition andmanage- ment of psychological caus- es of difficulty in breathing and shortness of breath •Willingness to address parents’ anxieties about difficulty in breathing and shortness of breath 3 • Portfolio documentation of five patients presenting with difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath, including hyperventilation • Feedback on letters • MiniCEX • Assessment, dif- ferential diagnosis, and management of a child with dyspnoea 4) Evaluation and management of noisy breathing • Physiology and pathophysiology of noisy breathing in all age groups • Distinguishing different forms of noisy breathing • Undertaking clinical evaluation of noisy breath- ing in different age groups • Management of functional stridor/vocal cord dysfunc- tion •Willingness to commu- nicate with parents and explainmanagement of noisy breathing 3 • Portfolio documenta- tion of five cases of noisy breathing including functional stridor • Feedback on letters • MiniCEX • Assessment, dif- ferential diagnosis and management of a child with noisy breathing 5) Understanding of validity of symp- toms and signs • Variability, validity and reliability of reported symptoms • Interobserver vari- abilty in documentation of signs • Evaluation of reported symptoms and signs • Acceptance of variabil- ity in reported symptoms and documentation of signs 3 • Portfolio documentation of cases which illustrate difficulty of obtaining clear histories of reported symptoms and variability of observed signs • CbD 6) Clinical use of questionnaires • Validity and reliabil- ity of questionnaires as clinical, epidemiological and research tools • Design and application of questionnaires • Formulating question- naires with an under- standing of its value and limitations • Acknowledging the reasons some parents and patients may have in completing question- naires 3 • Portfolio to include examples of local and in- ternational questionnaires e.g . ISAAC (International Study of Asthma and Aller- gies in Childhood) • CbD * all items can be assessed using MCQ in a written knowledge-based examination; refer to assessment toolbox for suggestedmethods A) EVALUATIONOF RESPIRATORY SYMPTOMS AND SIGNSMandatory