Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Neumología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 561 European Curriculum Recommendations Syllabus items Knowledge Skills Attitudes and behaviour Level of competence Minimumclinical exposure Assessment tools* Sample clinical situation 1) Anatomical and developmental respiratory physiology in health and diseases including ventilation- perfusion and gas exchange • Lung development and lung physiology in health and disease • Self-directed learn- ing 3 2) Measurement and interpretation of flow- volume curves • ATS/ERS guidelines and standards for performing and interpreting spirom- etry including preschool children • Performance, interpre- tation, and reporting of spirometry according to the ATS/ERS guidelines and standards • Visual recognition of disease-specific abnormali- ties in the flow volume curve •Recognition of technical limitations in the perform- ance of spirometry •Willingness to ex- plain and demonstrate the procedure to children, considering the limits related to different ages •Willingness to ex- plain the results using a language the family can understand 3 • Portfolio of the performance and inter- pretation of at least 50 flow-volume curves • DOPS • Indication, performance and interpretation of lung function test- ing for assessing a child with recurrent shortness of breath 3) Measurement and interpretation of lung volumes • ATS/ERS guidelines and standards for performing and interpreting lung vol- umemeasurements includ- ing preschool children • Interpretation and report- ing of lung volumemeasure- ments • Recognition of technical limitations in the perform- ance of lung volumemeas- urements •Willingness to explain the results in a language the family can understand 3 • Portfolio of perform- ance and interpreta- tion of at least 30 lung volumemeasurements • DOPS 4) Equipment main- tenance, hygiene and infection control dur- ing test procedures • Equipment performance criteria and requirements as recommended by ERS/ ATS guidelines • Hygiene and infection control procedures for lung function testing according the ERS/ATS guidelines • Supervision of procedures for maintenance and infec- tion control • Appreciation of the importance of hygiene and infection control 3 • Participate in quality equipment maintenance, hygiene and infection control for 3months • DOPS 5) Definitions of measured indices • Definitions and signifi- cance of all commonly used lung function indices and associated abnormalities • Integration of the test results into the the diagnosis andmanagement for an individual patient 3 B) PULMONARY FUNCTION TESTSMandatory Train in a centre performing at least 80 pulmonary function tests per month