Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 562 ❚ European Curriculum Recommendations Syllabus items Knowledge Skills Attitudes and behaviour Level of competence Minimumclinical exposure Assessment tools* Sample clinical situation 6) Appropriate use of reference values • Basis of reference equa- tions for lung function and factors which affect them (anthropometricmeasures, gender, ethnicity, etc) • Appropriate selection of reference values • Appreciation of the importance of refer- ence values for the correct interpretation of results 3 • CbD • Indication, performance and interpretation of lung function test- ing for assessing a child with recurrent shortness of breath 7) Test variability and reproducibility • Factors affecting test variability and interpreta- tion of test results 3 8) Performance and interpretation of reversibility testing • Procedure, aims and interpretative strategy ac- cording to guidelines • Supervision and interpreta- tion of reversibility tests 3 • Performance and interpretation of at least 30 reversibility tests • DOPS • Indication, performance and interpretation of reversibility testing and bronchial prov- ocation testing in a child with suspected airway hyperrespon- siveness. 9) Performance and interpretation of bronchial provocation testing • Physiology of airway responsiveness • Direct and indirect airway challenges and their limitations in the paediat- ric age range • Performance, supervi- sion and interpretation of exercise testing 3 • Performance and interpretation of at least 15 bronchial provoca- tion testing • DOPS 10) Performance and interpretation of exercise testing for the diagnosis of exercise-induced bronchoconstriction • Respiratory physiology during exercise • Pathophysiology of exercise-induced bron- choconstriction • Equipment used in pul- monary exercise testing 3 • Performance and interpretation of at least 15 exercise testing • DOPS 11) Blood gas analysis and oximetry interpre- tation • Ventilation-perfusion relationships • Performance, supervi- sion and interpretation of blood gas analysis and pulse oximetry 3 • Portfolio of interpre- tation of 30 blood gas measurements • Oral examination 12) Performance and indication for 6-minute walking test Refer to the cardiopulmo- nary exercise testing in Additional Diagnostic Tests optional module 3 • Indication for 10 6-min walking tests and performing 10 with a physiotherapist. • DOPS 13) Quality control in paediatric lung func- tion laboratories • Requirements for calibra- tion checks, time interval and quality control pro- cedures • Implementation of a quality control program (calibration procedures, test performance procedures, reference values, etc) • Ability to check and cali- brate a spirometer •Willingness to ensure the imple- mentation of quality control measures in spirometry 3 • Performquality con- trol in paediatric lung function laboratories for threemonths * all items can be assessed using MCQ in a written knowledge-based examination; refer to assessment toolbox for suggestedmethods