Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Neumología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 563 European Curriculum Recommendations Syllabus items Knowledge Skills Attitudes and behaviour Level of competence Minimumclinical exposure Assessment tools* Sample clinical situation 1) Anatomy, physiol- ogy and pathology of the respiratory tract of paediatric patients • Normal endoscopic anatomy of upper and lower airways • Age-related anatomic variations • Endoscopic findings of the most common congenital and acquired abnormalities • Performance and interpretation of bron- choscopy • Correct evaluation and scheduling the procedure according to clinical presentation and respecting age-related issues • Interpreting findings in relation to the clinical picture of airway disease •Willingness to explain findings to parents and children in an understandable language • Interested in advancing new knowl- edge. 3 • Observe at least 100 bronchoscopies and performat least 50 flexible bronchoscopies • Portfolio • Indication, perform- ance and interpretation of an airway endoscopy in a child with persistent stridor • Indication, perform- ance and interpretation of an airway endoscopy in a child with recurrent or chronic lower respiratory tract consolidation 2) Performance of flexible endoscopy of the airway in paediat- ric patients of all ages • Technical andmethodo- logical aspects in performing flexible bronchoscopy (FB) • Indications for performing and not performing FB • Contraindications of FB • Understanding the techni- cal differences of different bronchoscopes • Safety and crossinfection issues • Evaluation, perform- ance interpretation, and reporting of flexible bronchoscopy • Obtaining informed consent •Willingness to work in amultidisciplinary team •Willingness to com- municate results of bronchoscopy 3 • Train in a tertiary paediatric respiratory centre • Performat least 40 FBs • Portfolio • DOPS 3) Conscious sedation and local anaesthesia for paediatric patients • Advantages and disadvan- tages of the drugs com- monly used in sedation and anaesthesia for FB • Advantages and disadvan- tages of conscious sedation, versus deep sedation/gen- eral anaesthesia • Safe administration of conscious sedation and local anaesthesia including guiding the endoscopy team •Willingness to work in amultidisicplinary team 3 • Portfolio • DOPS 4) Indications, proce- dure and interpreta- tion of bronchoalveo- lar lavage (BAL) • Current published guide- lines on BAL • Evaluation, perform- ance and interpretation of BAL 3 • Performat least 30 FBs and BAL • Portfolio • DOPS C) AIRWAY ENDOSCOPYMandatory Train in a centre performing at least 60 flexible bronchoscopies per year