Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 564 ❚ European Curriculum Recommendations Syllabus items Knowledge Skills Attitudes and behaviour Level of competence Minimumclinical exposure Assessment tools* Sample clinical situation 5) Indications, procedure and interpretation of bronchial brushings and biopsies • Indications and con- traindications of bronchial brushings and obtaining endobronchial biopsies • Performance and in- terpretation of bronchial brushing and biopsy • Obtaining informed consent for bronchial biopsy • Adhering to ethical priniciples in indicat- ing biopsy procedures for both clinical and research purposes 3 • Participate and as- sist in performing five bronchial brushings and five biopsies • Portfolio • DOPS 6) Indications and contraindications of rigid bronchoscopy including foreign body removal • Specific diagnostic and therapeutic indications for rigid bronchoscopy (RB) • Ability to judge when procedure is indicated •Willingness to col- laborate with experts where indicated 3 • Indication for 10 RBs to appropriate patients • Portfolio 7) Indications, proce- dure and interpreta- tion for performing transbronchial biopsies • Technical andmethodo- logical aspects of transbron- chial biopsy (TBB), its indications and contraindi- cations, risk–benefits, and potential complications 2 • Attend a hands-on, appropriate paediatric bronchoscopy course and biopsies • Portfolio 8) Evaluation and management of risks and complications • Risks and complications of FB and related endoscopic procedures • Risk assessment andmanagement of emergencies and complications related to endoscopic procedures 3 • Portfolio MCQ and other as- sessment tools 9) Organisation of an endoscopic suite including equipment maintenance and hygiene • Equipment components for endoscopic procedures • Methods of cleaning and disinfection of equipment • Endoscopy organisation both within and without the bronchoscopy suite, includ- ing infection control • Compliance with local infection control policies •Willingness to com- ply with local infection control policies 3 • Observe 25 broncho- scopies and partici- pate in the organisa- tion of endoscopic suite for 3months • Portfolio • DOPS 10) General anaes- thesia for paediatric flexible bronchoscopy • Principles of general anaesthesia for FB •Willingness to work in amultidisciplinary team 2 • Portfolio * all items can be assessed using MCQ in a written knowledge-based examination; refer to assessment toolbox for suggestedmethods