Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 566 ❚ European Curriculum Recommendations Syllabus items Knowledge Skills Attitudes and behaviour Level of competence Minimumclinical exposure Assessment tools* Sample clinical situation 1) Epidemiology, microbiology, infectiv- ity and pharmacology of antimicrobial and antiviral drugs • National and inter- national epidemiol- ogy and resistance patterns of common respiratory pathogens • Pharmacology and costs of antimicrobial drugs • Recognition of necessity of isolation procedures • Recognition of when second line treatment should be considered •Willingness to regularly update on epidemiology and pharmacology 3 • Audit of local prevalence of respiratory infections and resistance patterns • Audit • Management of a child with complicated bacterial pneumonia on antimicrobial treat- ment 2) Diagnosis and management of com- mon respiratory tract infections and their complications • Guidelines for treat- ment of community- acquired pneumonia, influenza, bronchioli- tis, upper respiratory tract infections • Recognition and management of short- and long-term complications, such as empyema, pneumot- horax, complications of ventilatory support and obliterative bronchiolitis • Ability to initiate ventilatory support in a timely manner •Willingness to consider patient and family needs inman- agement decisions 3 • Documentation of manage- ment of five cases of severe bronchiolitis , five cases of severe community-aquired bacterial pneumonia and five cases of empyema • Portfolio • MiniCEX • CbD • Management of an infant with severe bronchiolitis 3) Diagnosis and management of res- piratory infections in high-risk situations •Microorganisms af- fecting immunocom- promised patients • Different presenta- tions of immunocom- promised patients • Identification and management of lung infection in immuno- compromised patients •Willingness to com- municate effectively in a MDT 3 • Documentation of theman- agement of five cases each of lung infection in immunocom- promised and other high-risk patients • Portfolio • CbD • Diagnosis and management of a lower respiratory tract infection in an immu- nodeficient child 4) Diagnosis of bron- chiectasis • Aetiology and pathophysiology of bronchiectasis • Ability to investi- gate andmanage a child with probable bronchiectasis •Willingness to lead and work with the MDT, including radi- ologists and surgeons when indicated 3 • Documentation including images of five cases. • Portfolio • CbD • Diagnosis and long- termmanagement of a child with noncystic fibrosis • Diagnosis and long-term manage- ment of a child with bronchiectasis 5) Immunisations for respiratory pathogens • Local availability of immunisations • Local and interna- tional guidelines for use and administra- tion of immunisations • Giving advice to families and health- care workers about need and timing of immunisations •Willingness to com- municate benefits, risks and limitations of immunisation •Willingness to understand perceived risks of immunisations 3 • Documentation of local schedules and audit of uptake of immunisations • Portfolio • Discussion about the need for active and passive immunisations to prevent respiratory infections with patient and family E) ACUTE AND CHRONIC LUNG INFECTIONS Mandatory