Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Neumología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 567 European Curriculum Recommendations Syllabus items Knowledge Skills Attitudes and behaviour Level of competence Minimumclinical exposure Assessment tools* Sample clinical situation 6) Accuracy and interpretation of microbiological tests • Diagnostic accuracy of available tests • Optimal collection and processing of specimens • Giving advise health care work- ers about collection and processing of specimens • Management of unexpected results • Willingness to discuss the interpreta- tion of results with the microbiologist •Willingness to explain to family the implications of micro- biological results 3 • Documentation of local collec- tion procedures • Documentation of cases with unusual results • Portfolio • CbD • Management of a child with unexpected microbiological find- ings 7) Lung involvement in immunodeficiency disorders • Pulmonary involve- ment in primary immunodeficiency disorders • Recognition, as- sessment of sever- ity and treatment of respiratory disease in primary immunodefi- ciency disorders •Willingness to work in a MDT •Willingness to ac- knowledge the need of one clinician to inform family of primary problemwhichmay present with respira- tory compromise e.g . AIDS 3 • Documentation of diagnosis andmanagement of immuno- deficiency presenting with lung infection and of lung infection in patients already diagnosed with immunodeficiency • Portfolio • CbD • Long termmanage- ment of chronic respiratory disease in an immunodeficient child * all items can be assessed using MCQ in a written knowledge-based examination; refer to assessment toolbox for suggestedmethods Syllabus items Knowledge Skills Attitudes and behaviour Level of compe- tence Minimumclinical exposure Assessment tools* Sample clinical situation 1) Epidemiology, microbiology, infectiv- ity and pharmacology • Microbiology of typical and atypical mycobacteria and differences between primary and post primary infections and their infectivity and the relation to the epidemiology of TB • Development of tuberculin sensitivity • Infection control as it relates tomanagement of patients with TB • Microbiological factors of TB that determine the pharmaco- logical treatment approaches • Initiation of contact tracing • Implementation of appropriatemeasures to prevent crossinfec- tion with TB in the hospital and in the outpatient clinic • Self-directed learn- ing • Ability and willing- ness to work in a multidisciplinary environment including public health services 3 • Portfolio 2) In vivo and in vitro diagnostic tests in- cluding their accuracy and interpretation • Principles of diagnostic accu- racy (sensitivity, specificity etc.) • Tests available in TB diagnosis in children and their limitations including newer diagnostic modalities • Performance and interpretation of tuberculin skin tests. • Sample collection appropriate for the diagnosis of TB from children of all ages 3 • Participate in the management of 10 intracutaneous tests • Portfolio • DOPS F) TUBERCULOSIS (TB) Mandatory Train at an institution with an average of 15 TB-related cases per year