Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 568 ❚ European Curriculum Recommendations Syllabus items Knowledge Skills Attitudes and behaviour Level of compe- tence Minimumclinical exposure Assessment tools* Sample clinical situation 3) Diagnosis andman- agement of primary and post-primary pulmonary TB • Presentation and natural his- tory of TB and factors affecting prognosis • Current guidelines and evi- dence on themanagement of TB • Principles of drug treatment for TB prophylaxis, latent TB and TB in children • Importance of treatment completion in TB treatment • Available strategies tomonitor and ensure treatment compli- ance • Ability to dif- ferentiate between typical and atypical mycobacteria • Ability to differenti- ate between active and latent TB • Communicating diagnosis in language the family can under- stand • Ability to act accord- ing to population risk level. • Performance of a bacille Calmette-Guer- in (BCG) immunisa- tion when nationally required •Willingness to listen to andmanage families’ questions and anxieties •Willingness to com- municate with other professionals •Willingness to work in amulticultural environment 3 • Participate in the management of 10 intracutaneous tests • Portfolio • CbD • Investigation, diag- nosis andmanage- ment of a child with confirmed TB • Investigation, diag- nosis andmanage- ment of a child with suspected TB 4) Diagnosis andman- agement of extrapul- monary TB • Natural history, range of clini- cal presentations andmanage- ment of of extrapulmonary TB • Recognition, investi- gation andmanage- ment of extrapulmo- nary TB •Willingness to col- laborate with other colleagues 2 • Participate in the management of three cases of extrapulmo- nary TB • CbD 5) Diagnosis andman- agement of multidrug- resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) • Epidemiology, and causes of MDR-TB and its treatment strategies • Second and third line drugs 2 • Participate in the management of at least three cases of MDR-TB • CbD * all items can be assessed using MCQ in a written knowledge-based examination; refer to assessment toolbox for suggestedmethods