Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Neumología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 569 European Curriculum Recommendations Syllabus items Knowledge Skills Attitude and behaviour Level of competence Minimumclinical exposure Assessmenttools* Sample clinical situ- ation 1) Different pheno- types and their differ- ent pathologies and long-termoutcomes (including underlying pathophysiology and basic epidemiology) • Asthma syndrome and its com- plexity including the difference between allergic and nonallergic asthma and the various types of recurrent wheezing in preschool children • Changing patterns of recur- rent wheeze and asthma across children of different ages • Pathophysiology of asthma, chronic airway inflammation, mechanisms of airway hyper- responsiveness and airway remodelling • Explaining the basic features of the disease in an under- standable way to par- ents and patients as a basis of an informed self-management •Willingness to un- dertake self-directed learning 3 • Providing long-term (1 yr) care for at least 10 preschool children with recurrent wheez- ing, 10 school children with bronchial asthma and 10 asthmatic adolescents • Portfolio • CbD • Diagnosis, counsel- ling and long-term management of a child with bronchial asthma 2) Environmental factors relevant to asthma and other wheezing disorders • Controversies on allergen avoid- ancemeasures • Interaction of physical activity, sports and asthma • Gene-environment interac- tions, including the role of viral infections and their effect on the airways • Influence of passive smok- ing and air pollution on asthma morbidity • Counselling patient and families with an emphasis on environmental factors, including al- lergen avoidance and avoidance of passive smoking • Counselling against smoking in adoles- cents with asthma • Respecting the attachment of a family and a child to a domestic animal •Willingness to have and to convey a convincing position on the issue of passive and active smoking 3 • Providing environ- mental consultation for at least 30 patients and their parents including in-depth advice on problems with domestic animals and against smoking and passive smoking • Portfolio • CbD • Counselling of patient and family on environmental issues including passive and active smoking 3) Diagnosis and management of bronchiolitis and its complications and long-term sequelae • Controversies in nomenclature (bronchiolitis versus wheezy bronchitis) • Viral aetiology of bronchiolitis • Pathophysiology of typical symptoms of bronchiolitis • Evidence and controversies in current management including guidelines • Long-term sequelae of viral bronchiolitis • Up to date knowledge of interac- tion of viral infections and allergy in the development of allergic asthma • Providing com- petent clinical care for children with bronchiolitis in the outpatient and inpa- tient settings • Recognition of complications • Providing long-term care of children with recurrent wheezing after viral bronchi- olitis •Willingness to respond to the anxie- ties of a family with a recurrently wheezing child 3 • Inpatient manage- ment of at least 30 infants/children with bronchiolitis includingmedication, supportive care and monitoring • Providing long-term care for at least 10 children with post- bronchiolitis recurrent wheeze. • Portfolio • DOPS • Feedback on letters • Long-termmanage- ment of a preschool child with recurrent wheezing G) BRONCHIAL ASTHMA AND OTHERWHEEZING Mandatory Train in a centre with at least 200 patients for aminimumof 1 year