Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 570 ❚ European Curriculum Recommendations Syllabus items Knowledge Skills Attitude and behaviour Level of competence Minimumclinical exposure Assessmenttools* Sample clinical situ- ation 4) Relevant abnor- malities in lung func- tion including airway responsiveness • Controversies in peak-flow monitoring (refer to Pulmonary Function Tests module) • Providing long-term care of children with recurrent wheezing after viral bronchi- olitis • Appropriate use of pulmonary function tests in themanage- ment of asthma (refer to Pulmonary Func- tion Tests module) Refer to Pulmonary Function Tests module 3 • Recording and inter- preting in the clinical context the lung function of 50 children with bronchial asthma • Performance of 10 pharmacological and 20 nonpharma- cological bronchial challenge tests • Training of at least three children/parents in home peak-flow monitoring • Portfolio • DOPS Refer to Pulmonary Function Tests module 5) Understanding difficulties in diag- nosis and differential diagnosis • Typical clinical presentation of the asthmatic syndrome • Accuracy of reported symptoms • Differential diagnosis of bron- chial asthma and viral bronchi- olitis to other (rare) wheezing disorders (refer to Evaluation of Respiratory Signs and Symptoms module) • Recognition of clinical features which suggest an alterna- tive diagnosis •Willingness to criti- cally review diagnoses in atypical cases 3 • Establishing the diagnosis of bronchial asthma in at least 20 cases • Participate in the management of 3 cases with a nonas- thmatic wheezing disorder • Portfolio • DOPS • Feedback on letters • Differential diagno- sis andmanagement of an adolescent with a suspected functional breathing disorder • Differential diagno- sis andmanagement of a young child with recurrent or persistent wheezing unrespon- sive to antiasthma treatment