Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Neumología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 571 European Curriculum Recommendations Syllabus items Knowledge Skills Attitude and behaviour Level of competence Minimumclinical exposure Assessmenttools* Sample clinical situ- ation 6) Evidence-based management of asth- ma at different ages including age-related pharmacology • Pharmacology and side effects of antiasthma drugs • Current national and interna- tional management guidelines • Compliance problems • Management of allergy in asthma patients • Existing complementary and alternativemedicine • Pathophysiology of acute asthma • Providing outpa- tient and inpatient care for preschool children with recur- rent wheezing and school children and adolescents with bronchial asthma • Translating current national and interna- tional management recommendations into an individualised management • Clinical and emer- gency management of acute asthma • Integrating nonpharmacological treatment in theman- agement of asthma • Identifying poor compliance • Recognition and management of patients at risk for life-threatening asthma • Recognition and management of patients with difficult asthma •Willingness to ap- preciate and deal with issues of noncompli- ance •Willingness to translate guidelines into a custommade approach for an indi- vidual patient • Acknowledging and dealing with patient’s and family’s interest in complementary and alternativemedicine • Acknowledging and dealing with population-based anxieties with regard to specific substances (steroids) 3 • Training at least 10 patients/parents in asthma self-man- agement including proper use of inhaled medication • Managing at least 20 cases of bronchial asthma according to current national and international treat- ment guidelines • Providing in-patient care for at least 10 children with acute asthma • Portfolio • DOPS • Feedback on letters • MiniCEX • Inpatient manage- ment of a child with acute asthma • Outpatient manage- ment of a child with bronchial asthma including annual review • Educating patient and family in preven- tion and control of asthma • Training patient and family in the proper use of inhaled anti- asthmamedication • Long-termmanage- ment of a child with difficult asthma 7) Emerging therapeu- tic strategies • Relevant pharmacological developments • New diagnostic aspects includ- ing inflammometry • Newly emergingmanagement concepts • Identification of patients whomay require novel treat- ments • Demonstrating up to date knowledge of emerging therapeutic strategies 2 • Participating in the discussion of 6 prob- lem cases that require a special therapeutic management • Portfolio * all items can be assessed using MCQ in a written knowledge-based examination; refer to assessment toolbox for suggestedmethods