Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 572 ❚ European Curriculum Recommendations Syllabus items Knowledge Skills Attitudes and behaviour Level of competence Minimumclinical exposure Assessment tools* Sample clinical situation 1) Understanding pathophysiology: immune response, control of immu- noglobin (Ig)E regulation and themechanisms of allergic inflammation; basic genetics; basic epidemiol- ogy • Immunemechanisms underlying the develop- ment of allergic sensitiza- tion • Relationship between allergy, lung disorders, rhinitis and allergic dermatitis • Hygiene hypothesis • Explaining allergic respiratory diseases and their relationship with other allergies •Willingness to keep up to date with new knowledge 3 2) In vivo testing for IgE-mediated sensitivity (procedure and interpreta- tion of skin-prick testing, challenge testing; meaning and validity of test results) • Normal values and their diagnostic accuracy • Physiological, technical andmethodological aspects of these tests • Performance of skin prick test • Supervision of oth- ers who perform tests • Interpretation of results •Willingness to explain results and their implica- tions to parents and patients 3 • Performance of skin-prick tests in 20 children • DOPS • Indication, perform- ance and interpreta- tion of skin-prick test in a child with suspected allergy • Indication and interpretation of in vitro allergy testing in a child with suspected allergy 3) In vitromethods for determination of specific IgE, inflammationmarkers (principle and interpreta- tion, meaning and validity of test results) • Normal values and their diagnostic accuracy • Physiological, technical andmethodological aspects of these tests • Interpretation of IgE values •Willingness to explain results and their implica- tions 3 • DOPS 4) Additional tests in allergology (patch tests, allergen bronchial provoca- tion tests) • Normal values and their diagnostic accuracy • Indications, physi- ological, technical and methodological aspects of nasal, oral and conjuncti- val provocation tests • Using interpretation of results in clinical management •Willingness to explain the value and limitations of these tests to patients •Willingness to communi- cate with allergy experts 2 • DOPS 5) Diagnosis andmanage- ment of anaphylaxis • Current guidelines for diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment • Understanding risks of anaphylaxis • Management of an acute reaction • Prescribing epine- phrine and explaining its correct use •Willingness to tailor guidelines for patient, school and caregivers 3 • Documentation of educating patient and family in themanage- ment of anaphylaxis • Portfolio of 10 cases • CbD • Management of a child at risk for anaphylaxis 6) Diagnosis andmanage- ment of allergic rhinitis • Evaluation of the anterior portion of the nasal cavities • Ability to indicate and prescribe oral and topical treatments according to current guidelines •Willingness to explain treatments and avoidance measures to patient and caregivers 3 • Management of 20 patients • CbD • Management of a child with allergic rhinitis H) ALLERGIC DISORDERS Mandatory