Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Neumología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 573 European Curriculum Recommendations Syllabus items Knowledge Skills Attitudes and behaviour Level of competence Minimumclinical exposure Assessment tools* Sample clinical situation 7) Diagnosis andmanage- ment of mild tomoderate atopic dermatitis • Current guidelines for diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment • Initiating topical treatment according to current guidelines •Willingness to collabo- rate with dermatologist and allergologist 3 • Management of 10 patients • CbD • Management of a child with atopic dermatitis 8) Diagnosis andmanage- ment of food allergy • Recognition of a child with suspected food allergy • Differentiating sen- sitivity across different age groups • Ability to initiate appropriate investiga- tions and refer if indicated •Willingness to under- stand difficulties and complications of exclusion diets •Willingness to consult with allergologist 2 • Management of 10 patients • CbD • Management of child with suspected food allergy 9) Diagnosis andmanage- ment of allergic bronchop- ulmonary aspergillosis (BPA) • Interpretation of sputum results, false positives and imaging • Initiation of ap- propriate treatment and guidance for long termmanagement •Willingness to explain treatments to patient and caregivers 3 • Management of three patients • CbD • Management of a patient with BPA 10) Specific immunotherapy • Availability and value of treatments • Evaluation and indication for specific immunotherapy •Willingness to consult with experts in the field •Willingness to discuss with parents and patients the need for long-term good compliance 3 • Management of two patients including consultation with experts • CbD • Indicate specific immunotherapy in a child with allergic disease 11) Preventionmeasures • Value of avoidance measures • Current guidelines • Appropriate pre- scription of avoidance measures •Willingness to communi- cate the value and difficul- ties of allergen avoidance effectively to patients 3 • Contribution to guideline writing • Audit • Management of a patient withmultiple aeroallergen sensitisa- tion 12) Alternative treatment • Awareness of available alternative treatments • Acknowledgement and negotiation with parents the place of conventional medi- cal treatments and harmless alternative approaches •Willingness to discuss the role of alternative treatments in a non-con- frontational manner •Willingness to explain the dangers of some alternative treatments 2 • Documentation of what treatments are being promoted locally. * all items can be assessed using MCQ in a written knowledge-based examination; refer to assessment toolbox for suggestedmethods