Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Neumología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 575 European Curriculum Recommendations Syllabus items Knowledge Skills Attitudes and behaviour Level of competence Minimumclinical exposure Assessment tools* Sample clinical situation 5) Diagnosis andman- agement of extrapul- monary manifesta- tions of CF • Range of presentations of CF • Presentation of extrapulmo- nary manifestations of CF • Interactions between pulmo- nary and nonpulmonary disease manifestations • Identification of ex- trapulmonary disease • Ability to judge when to investigate for subclinical disease •Willingness to adopt holistic approach to clinical care 3 • Supervision of inpa- tient and outpatient management for at least 1 yr in a CF centre • Participation in >10 MDT discussions • Portfolio • Feedback on letters • Management of extrapulmonary complication of CF, e.g. diagnosing and managing CF related diabetes 6) Evidence-based management • Up-to-date knowledge of pub- lished guidelines and evidence on themanagement of CF • Interpretation and application of guidelines •Willingness to formulate an individu- alised treatment plan integrating evidence- based treatment and family input 3 • Audit of guideline implementation (at least one during the time in the CF unit) • Portfolio • Feedback on letters • Audit • Review of local practice 7) Crossinfection and hygiene • Crossinfection in respiratory aspects of CF • Development and implementation of local infection control guidelines •Willingness to un- derstand the barriers to ensuring effective implementation of crossinfection preven- tion policies 3 • Audit of hygiene • Audit 8) Understanding of microbiology relevant to CF • Relevant respiratory patho- gens • Effective respiratory specimen collection from children of all ages 3 • Microbiological case review • Minimumof five successful sample collections • Portfolio • Managing the first isolate of Pseu- domonas in a child with CF 9) Knowledge of emerging treatment strategies • Up-to-date knowledge of novel and experimental treat- ment of CF • Ability to judge how and when to adopt novel treatments into local practice •Willingness to re- spond in an informed and empathic manner to families’ requests for novel treatments •Willingness to understand the need for obtaining consent when initiating novel treatments 3 • Discussion of local applicability and cost- effectiveness of novel treatments. • Portfolio • Managing a child with advanced CF 10) Management of end-stage lung dis- ease and indications for lung transplanta- tion • Principles of terminal care for CF patients • Indications for referral for transplant, complications and outcomes of transplant • Counselling for transplant • Management of endstage respiratory failure in a CF patient •Willingness to demonstrate effective support for families and caregivers of dy- ing patients •Willingness to ac- knowledge the wishes of patient and family 3 • Observing and participating in care of dying child, learning fromexperienced teammembers • Portfolio • Feedback on letters • CbD * all items can be assessed using MCQ in a written knowledge-based examination; refer to assessment toolbox for suggestedmethods