Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 576 ❚ European Curriculum Recommendations Syllabus items Knowledge Skills Attitude and behaviour Level of competence Minimumclinical exposure Assessment tools* Sample clinical situation 1) Developmental anatomy relevant to the respiratory system • Classification of malformations and their implications 3 • Exposure to slides in a good pathology department 2) Diagnosis andman- agement of congenital malformations affect- ing the respiratory system • Neonatal and late presentation of congenital diaphrag- matic hernia and other thoracic wall malformations • Recognition and management of clinical situations including emergencies whichmay be due to common congenital thoracic malforma- tions • Willingness to counsel parents about their options, prognosis of antenatally diagnosed cases, and postnatal treatment options • Willingness to discuss with parents implications of the diagnosis of congenital thoracic anomalies •Willingness to discuss the perinatal management of con- genital thoracic malformations (See Communicationmodule, syllabus item5, for willingness to work in amultidisciplinary team; see Communicationmodule, syllabus item4, for willingness to actively manage transition to adulthood) 3 • Observe three cases or documentation of 10 cases • Portfolio • CbD • MiniCEX • Prenatal counseling of parents where a di- agnosis of congenital lungmalformation has beenmade on fetal ultrasound • postnatal manage- ment in amultidisci- plinary team • long-term follow-up of a patient with congenital thoracic malformation 3) Knowledge of surgical options for treating congenital malformations •Willingness to discuss the pros and cons of operative against conservativemanagement 3 • Portfolio 4) Follow-up and out- comes of congenital malformations • The natural history of congenital thoracic malformations and the implications for follow-up • Ability to recognise and act upon lung function changes anticipated during follow-up • Discussing long- termprognosis of a child with congenital thoracic malformation 3 • Observe the follow- up of 3 cases • Portfolio • Feedback on letters * all items can be assessed using MCQ in a written knowledge-based examination; refer to assessment toolbox for suggestedmethods J) CONGENITALMALFORMATIONS Mandatory