Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Neumología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 577 European Curriculum Recommendations Syllabus items Knowledge Skills Attitude and behaviour Level of competence Minimumclinical expo- sure Assessment tools* Sample clinical situation 1) Developmental anatomy and patho- physiology • Definition and classifica- tion of old and new BPD • Development of lung and circulation • Pathophysiology of BPD • Respiratory and nonres- piratory clinical manifesta- tions 3 2) Aetiology, patho- genesis and preven- tion 3 3) Evidence-based management • Current published guide- lines and evidence on the management of BPD • Typical findings in diag- nostic investigations ( e.g . lung function, imaging, bronchoscopy) • Principles of drug treat- ment and aerosol therapy in different age groups • Comorbidities associated with BPD • Recognition and management of acute and chronic problems including nonpulmo- nary comorbidities associated with BPD • Recognition of the need for, prescription andmanagement of long-termoxygen therapy, noninvasive andmechanical ventilation •Willingness to apply a holistic approach to different clinical problems •Willingness to work in and lead amultidis- ciplinary team •Willingness to ad- dress the anxieties of a family with a child with BPD 3 • Supervision of inpatient and outpatient manage- ment for at least 6months • Portfolio • CbD • MiniCEX • Inpatient management of a child with exacerba- tion including assessment of severity of respiratory exacerbation and dealing with the needs of a patient and family • Outpatient management including discharge process of a child and family with special tretament and care (caregiver training, medica- tions, oxygen, emergency management, oximetry technique) 4) Perinatal preven- tivemeasures • Knowledge of preventive strategies •Willingness to explain the usefulness and risks of preventive strategies 1 • Observe the care of at least 5 cases • Management of respiratory and nonrespiratory problems on long-termbasis includ- ing the follow-up of lung development, child growth caracteristiques, mental and neruological condition 5) Nutritional care • Nutritional requirements andmethods of support • Pathophysiology of growth failure and undernutrition • Ability to take a nutritional history and evaluation of age- adjusted growth • Recognition of swal- lowing problems •Willingness to work in amultidisciplinary teamand commu- nicate with other professionals 2 • Observe and participate in the care of at least five cases. • Portfolio • Management of a preterm baby with BPD 6) Neurodevelopmen- tal assessment • Long-term cognitive, educational and behavioural impairments associated with prematurity • Recognition of neuropsychological impairment and seek- ing expert advice 2 • Observe and participate in the care of at least five cases • Portfolio • DOPS • Management of a dietary regimen in a child with BPD K) BRONCHOPULMONARY DYSPLASIA (BPD) AND CHRONIC LUNG DISEASE Mandatory Train in a centre performing at least 10 BPD children for aminimumof 6months and in contact with a paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) for aminimimof 2months