Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 578 ❚ European Curriculum Recommendations Syllabus items Knowledge Skills Attitude and behaviour Level of competence Minimumclinical expo- sure Assessment tools* Sample clinical situation 7) Long-termout- comes • Respiratory and nonrespi- ratory consequences of BPD during infancy and adoles- cence and factors affecting prognosis • Communication of prognosis in a language the family can understand •Willingness to ex- plain the consequenc- es of prematurity and BPD to the parents including preventive measures for respira- tory infections 3 • Observe and participate in the care of 15 cases at different ages (infancy, school-age, adolescence) • Portfolio • CbD • Feedback on letters • Management of a child with complicated neurode- velopmental condition • Management of a child with special needs and his/her family * all items can be assessed using MCQ in a written knowledge-based examination; refer to assessment toolbox for suggestedmethods Syllabus items Knowledge Skills Attitude and behaviours Level of competence Minimumclinical exposure Assessment tools* Sample clinical situation 1) Pathophysiology, genetics, aetiology, diagnosis andmana- gement of primary cil- iary dyskinesia (PCD) • Genetic, structural and functional aspects of ciliary defects and their clinical presenta- tions • Performance of ciliary biopsy • Treatment initiation and guid- ance for long-termmanagement of patients with PCD 3 • Perform10 ciliary biopsies • Portfolio • CbD • MiniCEX • Diagnosis of a child with persistent respiratory symptoms and focal radiological signs 2) Diagnosis and management of gastro-oesophageal lung disease • Anatomical and functional aspects of gastro-oesophageal reflux (GOR) and aspi- ration syndromes • Performance and interpretation of a pH study • Ability to initiatemanagement of GOR •Willingness to dis- cuss the role of GOR on respiratory disease •Willingness to work in amultidisciplinary team 3 • Report five pH studies • Portfolio • CbD • MiniCEX 3) Diagnosis andman- agement of bronchi- olitis obliterans (BO) • Pathogenesis and pathophysiology of BO • Initiation of appropriate inves- tigations • Treatment intiation and guid- ance for long-termmanagement 3 • Observe and partici- pate in the care of at least three cases • Portfolio • CbD • MiniCEX 4) Pathophysiology, genetics, aetiology, diagnosis andman- agement of interstital lung disease (ILD) • Classification and dif- ferential diagnosis of paediatric ILD includ- ing eosinophilic lung diseases and hypersen- sitivity pneumonitis • Assessing indications for lung biopsy • Interpretation of lung pathology report • Treatment initiation and guid- ance for long-termmanagement 3 • Observe and partici- pate in the care of at least three cases • Portfolio • CbD • MiniCEX • Ongoingmanage- ment of a child with diffuse parenchymal lung disease intersti- tial pneumonitis 5) Pathophysiology, genetics, aetiology, diagnosis andman- agement of pulmonary vascular disorders, including pulmonary hypertension • Genetics and patho- genesis of pulmonary vascular disorders • Current therapeutic options for pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and its prognosis • Initiation of appropriate inves- tigations • Treatment initiation and guid- ance for long-termmanagement •Willingness to work and lead in amultidis- ciplinary team 3 • Observe and partici- pate in the care of at least three cases • Portfolio • CbD • MiniCEX 6) Diagnosis andman- agement of pulmonary haemorrhage • Differential diagnosis of pulmonary haemor- rhage •Diagnosticandthe- rapeuticoptionsinem- ergency situations and long-termmanagement • Initiation of appropriate inves- tigations • Treatment initiation 3 • Observe and partici- pate in the care of at least two cases • Portfolio • CbD • MiniCEX L) RARE DISEASES Mandatory