Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Neumología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 579 European Curriculum Recommendations Syllabus items Knowledge Skills Attitude and behaviours Level of competence Minimumclinical exposure Assessment tools* Sample clinical situation 7) Diagnosis and management of respi- ratory manifestations of systemic disorders with lung involvement • Differential diagnosis of noninfectious pleu- ral effusions • Diagnosis andmanagement of noninfectious pleural effusion •Willingness to work and lead in amultidis- ciplinary team 3 • Portfolio • CbD • MiniCEX 8) Diagnosis andman- agement of respira- tory manifestations of oncological disorders with lung involvement • Pathogenesis and possible presentations of pulmonary involve- ment in different systemic diseases • Initiation of appropriate investi- gations and interpretation of the findings • Treatment initiation and collabo- ration with respect to long-term management 3 • Observe and partici- pate in the care of at least three cases • Portfolio • CbD • MiniCEX • Consultation about pulmonary infiltrates in a child undergo- ing treatment for a haemato-oncological disease 9) Diagnosis and management of respi- ratory manifestations of musculoskeletal disorders with lung involvement • Pathogenesis and classification of muscu- loskeletal disorders. • Physiology and pathophysiology of ex- trapulmonary aspects of breathing. • Assessing thoracic skeletal disorders. • Evaluation of the function of respiratory muscles. • Evaluation of respiratory func- tion using objectivemeasurements of ventilation and respiration • Initiating supportive ventilation and home ventilation. •Willingness to work and lead in amultidis- ciplinary team •Willingness and ability to discuss the unfavourable outcome with parents of the child with progressive respiratory failure. 3 • Observe and partici- pate in the care of at least two cases • Portfolio • CbD • MiniCEX • Ongoingmanage- ment of a child with progressive respira- tory failure 10) Diagnosis and management of pleural diseases in- cluding spontaneous pneumothorax • Diagnosis and dif- ferential diagnosis of pleural effusion. • Diagnosis and dif- ferential diagnosis of pneumothorax. • Initiation of appropriate investigation, including imaging and pleural tap with appropriate analysis of the sample. • Management of pleural drain- age in a patient with effusion or pneumothorax. •Willingness to work in amultidisciplinary teamwith thoracic surgeons. • Ability to take deci- sive steps and initiate immediate treatment in a child with pneu- mothorax. 3 • Observe and par- ticipate in the care of at least two cases of pleural effusion and two cases of sponta- neous pneumothorax. • Portfolio • CbD • MiniCEX • Setting up an ap- propriate follow-up protocol for a child with spontaneous pneumothorax 11) Diagnosis and management of respi- ratory manifestations of immunodeficiency disorders with lung involvement • Diagnosis and dif- ferential diagnosis of different types of immunodeficiency. • Diagnosis and dif- ferential diagnosis of lung infiltrates, bronchiectasis, granu- lomatous disorders and ILD. • Initiation of diagnostic protocol including selection of appropriate imaging, indication of bronchos- copy with BAL, targeted immuno- logical investigation. • Management of immune related disorders including replacement therapy, antibiotic strategy and supportivemeasures (physi- otherapy etc.) •Willingness to work in amultidisciplinary teamwith immunolo- gists. • Ability to discuss the importance of continuous long-term management with the patient and family 3 • Observe and participate in the care of at least five cases of immunodeficiency related pulmonary disorders. • Portfolio • CbD • MiniCEX • Setting up a reliable and effective protocol for long-term management of a child with immunode- ficiency related lung disease, including ap- propriate continuous education