Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 582 ❚ European Curriculum Recommendations Syllabus items Knowledge Skills Attitude and behaviour Level of compe- tence Minimumclinical exposure Assess- ment tools* Sample clinical situation 1) Setting up and coordinating a multidiscplinary team (including physio- therapy, strength and endurance training, psychosocial support, nutrition) • Physiological basis of pulmonary rehabilitation • Leading and working in a MDT • Holistic approach to clinical care •Willingness to acknowledge the importance of communicat- ing with other professionals •Willingness to seek and to use expert advice 3 • Participating in MDT conferences (>10) • Portfolio • CbD • Discharge planning in a child with significant respiratory impairment due to neuromuscular disease e.g. Duch- enne dystrophy 2) Evaluation of reha- bilitation programmes • Published evidence-based literature on rehabilitation programmes in children • Critical evaluation of published literature 2 • Evaluation of 10 rehabilitation programmes • Portfolio • CbD 3) Knowledge of health education including smoking prevention and ces- sation and healthy eating • Prescribing andmoni- toring long termoxygen therapy for children •Work in amultidisci- plinary team with para- medical professionals 3 • Observe and par- ticipate in the care of at least five cases • Portfolio 4) Nutritional man- agement • Nutrition and nutritional support in children 2 • Manage 10 cases with a dietitian • Portfolio 5) Psychological sup- port for children and families • Psychosocial and developmental problems associated with chronic illness in children 2 • Portfolio • DOPS 6) Principles of physiotherapy - tech- niques, indications, and limitations • Physiological, technical andmeth- odological aspects of long termoxygen therapy • Current physiotherapy techniques used in children with respiratory disease. • Indications for physiotherapy referral •Willingness to communicate with parents and patients in a non-prejudical manner •Willingness to avoid criticising lifestyle choices in order to avoid alienating patients 3 • Experience of 5 children on long term oxygen therapy • Portfolio 7) Assessment of children for fitness to fitness to fly • Physiological andmethodological bases of fitness to fly assessments • Performance and interpretation of fitness to fly tests •Willingness to advise and as- sist parents withmedical advice on travel 3 • Participate in three fitness to fly tests • Portfolio • CbD • MiniCEX 8) Sports medicine • Physiological, technical andmeth- odological aspects of methods used to evaluate fitness in children of different ages • Interpretation of car- diorespiratory exercise test 2 • Portfolio • DOPS • Managing child with significant exercise induced asthma * all items can be assessed using MCQ in a written knowledge-based examination; refer to assessment toolbox for suggestedmethods N) REHABILITATION IN CHRONIC RESPIRATORY DISEASES Mandatory • Train in a tertiary paediatric respiratory centre for 6months