Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Neumología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 585 European Curriculum Recommendations Syllabus items Knowledge Skills Attitudes and behaviour Level of competence Minimumexposure Assessment tools* 1) Basic understanding of epidemiological principles including point and period prevalence versus incidence in respiratory diseases such as bronchial asthma, cystic fibrosis, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, TB • Local and international epidemiology and their differences • Interpretation of rel- evance of published data •Willingness to audit local prevalence data andmonitor international data 3 • Evidence of knowledge in presentations collected in portfolio • Portfolio 2) Impact of indoor and out- door air pollution on respira- tory health • Effects of particulate and nonparticulatematter on respiratory health • Recognition of the effect of tobacco smoke and other pollutants on patients’ health • Advising on avoidance •Willingness to give non- judgemental advice about lifestylemodifications 3 • Evidence of knowledge in presentations collected in portfolio • Portfolio • CbD 3) The burden of paediatric res- piratory diseases on healthcare resources • Local costs of hospital and community care • Minimising unecessary costs •Willingness to evaluate cost-effectiveness of care 3 • Evidence of knowledge in presentations collected in portfolio • Portfolio • CbD * all items can be assessed using MCQ in a written knowledge-based examination; refer to assessment toolbox for suggestedmethods Syllabus items Knowledge Skills Attitudes and behaviour Level of competence Minimumexposure Assessment tools* 1) Leadership and col- laboration in amultidisci- plinary team • Basic management principles • Ability to lead and participate • Ability to takeminutes •Willingness to value the input and opinions of teammembers •Willingness to respect profes- sional boundaries 3 • Leading and participating in MDT discussions about the care of 10 patients • Portfolio • DOPS 2) Understanding health- care resources in relation to paediatric respiratory medicine • Health economics and themeasurements of health care costs • Allocation of available resources • Negotiating a budget •Willingness to acknowledge and respect competing bids for resources 3 • Documentation of the cost of common and unusual drugs, and the cost of an episode of a hospital admission for acute and chronic respiratory illnesses • Portfolio 3) Audit presentation and participation • Principles andmethod- ology of audit • Ability to undertake regular audits and super- vision of others • Persistence in implementing change driven by audit 3 • Documentation of regular audits in portfolio 4) Representation of respiratory medicine in themedical community and to the public • Local priorities in paedi- atric respiratory medicine • Presenting priorities to the public through the media in a balanced way • Teaching and presenta- tion skills • Exhibiting enthusiasm 3 • Documentation of teaching programmes to the wider medical community, including parents’ groups andmedical students • Portfolio Q) EPIDEMIOLOGY AND ENVIORNMENTAL HEALTH Mandatory R) MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP Mandatory