Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 586 ❚ European Curriculum Recommendations Syllabus items Knowledge Skills Attitudes and behaviour Level of competence Minimumexposure Assessment tools* 5) Negotiations with col- leagues and other allied professionals • Knowledge and understanding other col- leagues’ priorities • Listening and valuing other opinions. •Willingness to cooperate and respect different management styles 3 • Documentation of negotiations and reflective notes about their value • Portfolio • DOPS 6) Understanding of health costs and econom- ics • Cost of care and factors affecting it • Ability to keep up to date with cost •Willingness to be interested in and be conscientious about cost 2 • Documentation in portfolio of the cost of different treatments • Portfolio 7) Health care service development and project management • Principles andmethods of preparing and present- ing a business plan • Preparing a business plan • Ability to keep time- tables •Willingness to take advice fromothers 3 • Documentation of a proposal for service development • Portfolio • Audit * all items can be assessed using MCQ in a written knowledge-based examination; refer to assessment toolbox for suggestedmethods Syllabus items Knowledge Skills Attitude and behaviour Level of competence Minimumexposure Assessment tools* 1) Knowledge and applica- tion of different teaching methods • Didactic principles • Different teachingmethods such as lectures, tutorials and bedside teach- ing, and their standard structures • Ability to structure, pre- pare and present lectures, tutorials, and bedside teaching to different target audiences • Motivation to convey knowledge to all types of audience • Patience with a less ex- perienced audience, their questions and needs 3 • Minimum requirement of 10 lectures in three teaching programmes • Portfolio • 3 Appraisals 2) Knowledge and ap- plication of assessment methods • Principles of formative and summa- tive assessment inmedical education • Maintaining and apply- ing a portfolio • Giving and receiving constructive feedback 3 • Minimumof 10 MCQ questions • Portfolio 3) Knowledge and ap- plication of educational programmes for parents and patients • Theoretical framework in health educational programmes for parents, patients (and allied health profession- als) i.e. delivery of effective health educational programmes • Effective delivery of important messages to families and other caregivers. 3 • Participation in two educa- tional programmes per year • Portfolio • Audit 4) Application of teaching methods at all levels of medical education • Appropriate teachingmethods for different levels of education 3 • Application of twomethods per year • Portfolio * all items can be assessed using MCQ in a written knowledge-based examination; refer to assessment toolbox for suggestedmethods S) TEACHING Mandatory