Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Neumología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 587 European Curriculum Recommendations Syllabus items Knowledge Skills Attitude and behaviour Level of competence Minimumexposure Assessment tools* 1) Understanding and application of the principles of planning, design- ing, conducting, analysing and publishing research projects • Good clinical practice (GCP) guidelines, quan- titative and qualitative study designs, epidemiol- ogy, and statistics • Ability to develop a research protocol • Conducting a research study • Preparing a publication • Continuous interest in the development of knowledge and scientific progress in the field of PRM • Motivation to contribute to current knowledge 3 • Two certificates of partici- pation in research-related courses • Portfolio MCQ 2) Scientific literature appraisal • Literature search strate- gies • Critical evaluation of published research 3 • Performing 10 appraisals per month • Portfolio MCQ 3) Understanding and application of the ethical principles of paediatric research • Ethical principles of paediatric research • Ability to plan, design, conduct, analyse and publish research projects 3 • Portfolio MCQ 4) Significant personal contribution to a scientific project and authorship in a peer-reviewed article 3 • One paper as first author in a peer-reviewed article • Portfolio MCQ * all items can be assessed using MCQ in a written knowledge-based examination; refer to assessment toolbox for suggestedmethods Syllabus items Knowledge Skills Attitudes and behaviour Level of competence Minimumexposure Assessment tools* 1) Understanding anxieties and social problems of children and their parents, both related and unrelated to respiratory disease • Psychosocial problems related to paediatric lung disease • Proactive identification andmanagement of fami- lies’ concerns and related psychosocial problems • Sensitivity in the ap- proach to all children and their families 3 • Recording of conversations with families inmedical notes of all patients 2) Ability to discuss diagnosis, treatments and prognoses with children • Influence of cognitive and emotional devel- opment of children in communication about respiratory diseases • Effective communica- tion with children at all ages • Accommodating chil- drens’ views about their illness and its manage- ment 3 • Recording of conversations with children, especially ado- lescents, about their condition and proposed treatment in medical notes • DOPS 3) Ability to encourage and respect the views of children and their families in decision-making • Effective engagement of children and their families • Ensuring the provision of time to discuss all aspects of care • Ability to acknowledge all concerns and anxieties 3 • Recording of conversations with families inmedical notes of all patients 4) Understanding needs of ado- lescents with chronic lung disease and ability to ease their transition to adult care • The Rights of the Child • Ability to communicate with adolescents who are on their own • Acknowledging differ- ing developmental levels of adolescents 3 • Recording of adolescents views on care and implications of transition • CbD T) RESEARCH Mandatory U) COMMUNICATION Mandatory