Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 588 ❚ European Curriculum Recommendations Syllabus items Knowledge Skills Attitudes and behaviour Level of competence Minimumexposure Assessment tools* 5) Leadership and collaboration in a MDT, respect and apprecia- tion of the contributions of all members • Leadership and work- ing inmultidisciplinary environment • Ability to lead and contribute tomultidisci- plinary meetings •Willingness tomotivate groupmembers •Willingness to attend multidisciplinary meet- ings 3 • Recording of MDT minutes • Portfolio 6) Management of complaints in a helpful and nonconfrontational way • Dealing with complaints including local procedures and policies • Objective evaluation of quality of care delivered to a child whose family have complained • Ability and willing- ness to acknowledge discrepancies in care in a professional manner 3 7) Ability to knowwhen to seek the advice of colleagues • Awareness of own limitations • Ability to ask for help • Self-reflection • Acknowledging what you don’t know • Acknowledgement of others’ contribution to patient care 3 8) Ability to support andmake time for appraising trainees and other healthcare workers • Setting aside time to appraise in a constructive manner • Recognition of appraisal as helpful to personal de- velopment and effective teamworking and ability to apply this in practice 3 9) Understanding of medical ethics, for both clinical practice and research • Local and European ethical guidelines • Attention to ethical practice at all times •Willingness to challenge practices which are or may not be ethical 3 • Portfolio 10) Knowledge of the articles of the convention of European Hu- man Rights (EHR) • Recognising clinical situations, such as end-of- life scenarios, where EHR might apply •Willingness to par- ticipate in discussion of local and published cases where there has been application of EHR 3 11 Ability to discuss end-of-life decisions with families and young people • Palliative care and end- of-lifemanagement • Conducting sensitive discussion with fam- ily, child and health care workers • Recognition and docu- mentation of parents’ and child’s wishes 3 • Attendance at 2 family discus- sions about palliative care and end-of-life decisions • DOPS * all items can be assessed using MCQ in a written knowledge-based examination; refer to assessment toolbox for suggestedmethods