Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Neumología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 591 European Curriculum Recommendations Syllabus items Knowledge Skills Attitudes and behaviour Level of competence Minimumclinical exposure Assessment tools Sample clinical situation 1) Performance and interpretation of exhaled nitric oxide measurements • Physiology of exhaled NO in the airway • Technical andmethodological aspects of exhaled NOmeasurements • Ability to under- stand howmeasure- ments of exhaled NO contribute to diagno- sis andmanagement • Discussing advan- tages and limitations of the exhaled NO measurements • Willingness to acknowledge the limitations of novel diagnostic investiga- tions •Willingness to explain the procedure and its potential com- plications to patients and parents •Willingness to ob- tain informed consent fromparents 3 • Portfolio of five pa- tients and successful measurement • DOPS • Differential diag- nosis of child with chronic cough 2) Indications, per- formance and inter- pretation of induced sputum tests • Physiological, technical and methodological aspects of obtain- ing induced sputum in children with respiratory illnesses including its place in the collection of respiratory samples for microbiology • Value of test in themanagement • Discussing the advantages and limitations of induced sputum tests • Induced sputum col- lection and interpreta- tion of results 3 • Portfolio documen- tation of five patients presenting with uncontrolled or poorly defined respiratory pathology • DOPS • Differential diagno- sis andmanagement of a child with asthma unresponsive to treat- ment • Differential diagno- sis andmanagement of a child with unde- fined chronic cough • Differential diag- nosis or suspicion of pulmonary tubercu- losis 3) Measurements and interpretation of oscillatory mechanics (forced oscillation techniques) • Physiological, technical andmeth- odological aspects of forced oscilla- tory techniques for themeasurement of lung function • Value of the test in themanage- ment • Understanding the correct measurements • Application of minimal requirements in the performance of these techniques 3 • Portfolio documen- tation of five patients who had forced oscil- lationmeasurements • DOPS • Differential diagno- sis andmanagement of a child with bron- chial obstruction, as- sessment of bronchial hyperresponsiveness 4) Measurements and interpretation of lung function in noncoop- erative children • Techniques used for measuring lung function in noncooperative children including infants and very young children • Performance and interpretation of measurements • Discussion of indica- tions for infant lung functionmeasure- ments 3 • Portfolio docu- mentation of five cases of lung function measurements in non- cooperative infants • DOPS • Differential diagno- sis andmanagement of a child with inability to cooperate or under- stand themanœuvres X) ADDITIONAL DIAGNOSTIC TESTS Optional