Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 592 ❚ European Curriculum Recommendations Syllabus items Knowledge Skills Attitudes and behaviour Level of competence Minimumclinical exposure Assessment tools Sample clinical situation 5) Tests of ventilation homogeneity includ- ingmultiple breath wash out techniques • Gas exchange physiology • Technical andmethodological aspects of assessing ventilation inhomogeneity in children such as multiple breath washout and ventila- tion perfusion scans • Performance and interpretation of multiple-breath inert gas washout in children. (see Pulmonary Func- tion Tests Module, syllabus itemnumber 11) • Willingness to acknowledge the limitations of novel diagnostic investiga- tions •Willingness to explain the procedure and its potential com- plications to patients and parents •Willingness to ob- tain informed consent fromparents 3 • Portfolio documen- tation of participating in tests of ventilation homogenity tests • DOPS • Differential diag- nosis of a child with normal spirometry and airway resisitance but abnormal ventila- tion distribution 6) Principles and interpretation of cardiorespiratory exercise testing • Principles of cardiorespira- tory physiology at rest and during exercise • Physiological, technical andmeth- odological aspects of exercise testing in children • Exercise test selec- tion according to the clinical situation • Performance and interpretation of exer- cise tests in children •Willingness to ex- plain to patients and parents the procedure and equipment used for cardiorespiratory exercise testing 3 • Portfolio documen- tation of five cases of exercise testing in children • DOPS • Deal with asthmatic child active in sports and his/her possibility to stand the cardi- orespiratory demands in extreme physical acitivites 7) Polysomnography • Current recommmended scoring criteria for cardiorespiratory vari- ables in a polysomnograph • Validity and reliability of polysom- nography in the diagnosis of SDB • Different stages of sleep and how they are recognised at different ages • Performance and interpretation of a cardiorespiratory polysomnograph at different ages •Willingness to explain the process of polysomnography to the child and parents •Willingness to judge when to compromise between patient dis- tress and less rigorous investigation 3 • Portfolio documen- tation of three cases of children with sleep disordered breathing • DOPS • Differential diag- nosis of a child with upper airway problems or nonrespiratory dis- eases and symptoms of sleep apnoea * all items can be assessed using MCQ in a written knowledge-based examination; refer to assessment toolbox for suggestedmethods