Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 598 ❚ 2. Recognize that assessment of readiness for decannulation of a child with severe micrognathia must include nocturnal polysomnography and assessment of the airway both awake and asleep c. Laryngeal web 1. Diagnosis and clinical manifestations a. History b. Physical examination 1. Recognize the clinical manifestations of complete laryngeal web (aphonia; severe airway obstruction at birth without inspiratory airflow or stridor) 2. Recognize the clinical presentation of partial laryngeal web (inspiratory stridor, weak/hoarse voice, respiratory distress) c. Imaging d. Pulmonary function tests e. Other investigations 1. Recognize the appearance of a laryngeal web on fiberoptic laryngoscopy 2. Know that endoscopic evaluation is the investigation of choice in patients with laryngeal web f. Diagnostic criteria g. Complications 2. Prevention and therapeutic approach a. Prevention b. Therapeutic approach 1. Recognize that emergency tracheostomy is required to relieve obstruction caused by a complete laryngeal web 2. Recognize that an endotracheal tube can perforate a laryngeal web, providing transient relief of the obstruction c. Side effects of therapy 1. Recognize that a laryngeal web may redevelop after perforation with an endotracheal tube once the tube is removed d. Laryngeal cysts 1. Epidemiology 2. Etiology 3. Pathophysiology a. Pathology b. Path mechanisms and consequences 4. Diagnosis and clinical manifestations a. History 1. Recognize that laryngeal cysts are included in the differential diagnosis of congenital stridor b. Physical examination c. Imaging d. Pulmonary function tests e. Other investigations 1. Recognize the appearance of laryngeal cysts on fiberoptic laryngoscopy f. Diagnostic criteria