Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 602 ❚ 2. Know the typical findings on pulmonary function studies in a patient with subglottic stenosis d. Pulmonary function tests e. Other investigations 1. Recognize findings typical of subglottic stenosis on endoscopy f. Diagnostic criteria g. Complications 1. Know that the finding of hypoxemia or carbon dioxide retention in a child with subglottic stenosis indicates a severe obstruction since these are the results of marked hypoventilation 5. Prevention and therapeutic approach a. Prevention 1. Recognize the role of prolonged intubation, traumatic intubation, and the use of oversized endotracheal tubes in the pathogenesis of subglottic stenosis b. Therapeutic approach 1. Recognize the indications for surgical intervention in subglottic stenosis 2. Know that a cricoid split procedure may provide an alternative to tracheostomy in infants with subglottic stenosis c. Side effects of therapy 1. Know that tracheal stenosis may be a complication of prolonged endotracheal intubation 6. Prognosis a. Natural history 1. Recognize that severe subglottic stenosis is unlikely to improve with age 2. Recognize that chronic subglottic stenosis is associated with increased frequency of croup-like illnesses and delayed resolution of viral croup illness b. Prognosis with therapy 1. Recognize that children who require tracheostomy in the treatment of subglottic stenosis will most likely need reconstructive surgery prior to successful decannulation h. Subglottic hemangioma 1. Epidemiology a. Recognize subglottic hemangioma as a rare cause of upper airway obstruction in children 2. Etiology/Genetics 3. Diagnosis and clinical manifestations a. History 1. Recognize that subglottic hemangiomas should be considered in the differential diagnosis of chronic upper airway obstruction b. Physical examination 1. Recognize the association between the presence of cutaneous hemangiomas and subglottic hemangiomas in the child with stridor c. Imaging