Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Neumología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 607 a. Natural history b. Prognosis with therapy c. Bacterial tracheitis 1. Epidemiology a. Know that bacterial tracheitis can be sporadic or epidemic 2. Etiology/Genetics a. Know common causes of bacterial tracheitis 3. Pathophysiology a. Pathology b. Path mechanisms and consequences 4. Diagnosis and clinical manifestations a. History 1. Know that children with bacterial tracheitis usually have a prodrome similar to that of viral croup and that high fever and severe airway obstruction subsequently develop 2. Recognize the clinical picture of bacterial tracheitis with moderate to severe respiratory distress punctuated by episodes of complete or near complete airway obstruction b. Physical examination 1. Recognize the physical findings associated with tracheal obstruction 2. Recognize the diagnostic significance of purulent materials in the airway visible upon initial intubation c. Imaging 1. Recognize the radiographic appearance of bacterial tracheitis d. Pulmonary function tests e. Other investigations 1. Know the role of bronchoscopy in establishing the diagnosis of bacterial tracheitis f. Diagnostic criteria g. Complications 5. Prevention and therapeutic approach a. Prevention b. Therapeutic approach c. Side effects of therapy 1. Know that pulmonary edema is a complication of relief of airway obstruction 6. Prognosis a. Natural history 1. Recognize that intubation may be required for a prolonged period and that even with intubation, sudden and severe airway obstruction can develop, necessitating suctioning and reintubation b. Prognosis with therapy 1. Know that delay in treatment of bacterial tracheitis can result in death B. Congenital disorders of the lower airway 1. Epidemiology