Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Neumología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 615 3. Know the role of asthma education programs in the management of asthma b. Therapeutic approach 1. Know that theophylline is an alternative but not preferred controller medication in persistent asthma 2. Know the indications and therapeutic guidelines for using short-acting beta- agonists in asthma 3. Know the indications and therapeutic guidelines for using anticholinergic drugs in the treatment of acute asthma 4. Understand the management of lobar collapse in asthma 5. Know the benefits of systemic administration of corticosteroids to patients with asthma 6. Know the time required for the benefits of systemic administration of corticosteroids to appear 7. Know what conditions requiring antibiotic therapy can complicate acute asthma 8. Know the management of pneumothorax in acute asthma 9. Recognize the indications for oxygen therapy in a patient with acute asthma 10. Understand the indications for and role of mechanical ventilation in the treatment of acute asthma 11. Know the therapeutic guidelines for fluid management in acute asthma 12. Recognize the clinical effects of cromolyn sodium on the dual asthmatic response 13. Know that short-acting beta-2 agonists do not block the late asthmatic response 14. Know proposed mechanisms of action of corticosteroids in patients with asthma 15. Recognize the effect of corticosteroids on the immediate and late asthmatic response 16. Know the therapy for exercise-induced asthma 17. Know the relative glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid potencies of the steroid preparations available for the treatment of asthma 18. Recognize that metered-dose inhalers and wet nebulization are equally effective techniques in the delivery of drugs to patients with mild to moderate asthma 19. Know the efficacy of different techniques of administering inhaled asthma medications 20. Know that aspirin, beta-blocker, and cholinergic agonists should be used with caution in children with asthma 21. Know that intravenous beta-agonists have not been consistently shown to be more effective than inhaled beta agonists in acute asthma 22. Know that corticosteroids by inhalation can reduce dependence on systemic corticosteroids in patients with chronic asthma 23. Know the types of medications that may decrease airway responsiveness in patients with asthma 24. Know that cromolyn sodium and nedocromil are alternative, not preferred, medications for treatment of mild persistent asthma and that they can be used as preventative treatment before exercise or unavoidable exposure to known allergens 25. Know that the use of a home peak-flow meter can be an effective adjunct to a total therapy program for asthma