Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Neumología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 625 b. Know that radiographic signs do not distinguish between viral and bacterial pneumonias c. Know the typical appearance of a lobar pneumonia on imaging studies of the chest d. Know the typical appearance of a lung abscess on imaging studies of the chest e. Know the typical appearance of a pleural effusion on a radiographic study of the chest f. Know the appearance of pleural fluid and/or empyemas on an ultrasound study of the chest g. Know that cylindrical bronchiectasis is a common finding during resolution of uncomplicated pneumonia in an otherwise normal child h. Know the natural history of radiographic changes during and after pneumonia i. Know the role of imaging procedures in obtaining diagnostic samples or performing therapeutic drainage of pleural fluid or lung abscesses 4. Pulmonary function tests a. Know the changes in blood gas tensions that accompany acute pneumonia b. Know the changes in spirometry that would be expected in acute lobar pneumonia 5. Other investigations a. Know the limitations of antigen tests for bacterial pneumonias in children b. Know the frequency of positive blood cultures associated with bacterial pneumonia in childhood is low c. Know the limitations of nasal and oral bacterial cultures in a child with pneumonia d. Know the procedure for obtaining and the limitations of bacterial cultures from bronchoscopy in the diagnosis of bacterial pneumonias e. Know the typical laboratory characteristics of pleural fluid in empyema f. Know the typical laboratory characteristics of a parapneumonic effusion complicating a pneumonia g. Know the indications for pleural space drainage of pleural effusion in patients with pneumonia 6. Diagnostic criteria a. Understand the role of bronchoalveolar lavage and lung biopsy in diagnosing pneumonia 7. Complications e. Prevention and therapeutic approach 1. Prevention a. Know the impact of Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccination on pneumonia in normal and immunocompromised patients b. Know the impact of 21-valent S. pneumonia vaccination on pneumonia in immunocompromised patients c. Know that prophylactic installation of antibiotics in the eyes at birth does not prevent the later onset of chlamydial pneumonia 2. Therapeutic approach