Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Neumología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 627 1. History 2. Physical examination a. Recognize the similarity of physical findings in viral and bacterial pneumonia 3. Pulmonary function tests 4. Other investigations a. Know the utility and limitations of rapid diagnostic tests for viral pneumonia 5. Diagnostic criteria a. Understand the roles of serology and cultures in the diagnosis of viral pneumonias 6. Complications a. Know that bacterial superinfection may complicate viral pneumonia e. Therapeutic approach and side effects (Prevention - see Section IV.A) 1. Therapeutic approach a. Know the indications for the use of antiviral agents in the treatment of viral pneumonias 2. Side effects of therapy a. Know the side effects of antiviral agents f. Prognosis 1. Natural history 2. Prognosis with therapy a. Know the natural history of cytomegalovirus pneumonitis 3. Fungal pneumonia a. Epidemiology 1. Know that fungi can be pathogens in the respiratory tract in a susceptible host 2. Know the geographic variation in pathogens causing fungal pneumonias b. Etiology/genetics c. Pathophysiology 1. Pathology a. Recognize the histologic appearance of fungal infections b. Know that Cryptococcus neoformans has a distinguishing polysaccharide capsule 2. Path mechanisms and consequences a. Know that inhalation of fungal spores causes respiratory disease with Histoplasma, Blastomyces, Coccidioides, and Cryptococcus b. Know that fungal infections can develop as a result of dysfunction of lymphocytes, macrophages, neutrophils and/or complement d. Diagnosis and clinical manifestations 1. History a. Know that fungal pulmonary infection may cause acute or insidious onset of symptoms or may be asymptomatic 2. Physical examination 3. Imaging 4. Pulmonary function tests 5. Other investigations