Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 636 ❚ 1. Recognize that curvatures greater than 60 degrees are associated with detectable pulmonary function abnormalities 2. Recognize that scoliosis may result in restrictive or obstructive or mixed pulmonary function abnormalities 3. Recognize that residual volume is normal and total lung capacity is decreased in patients with thoracic scoliosis 4. Recognize that VD/VT increases with severe scoliosis, contributing to alveolar hypoventilation 5. Recognize that chest wall compliance is reduced more than lung compliance in patients with scoliosis 6. Recognize that exercise tolerance in patients with thoracic scoliosis is usually limited by ventilatory rather than circulatory factors e. Other investigations f. Diagnostic criteria g. Complications 1. Recognize the relationship between curvatures greater than 90 degrees and the increased risk of cardiorespiratory failure in patients with scoliosis 2. Recognize that hypoventilation and hypoxemia may occur during REM sleep in patients with moderate scoliosis 3. Recognize that pulmonary hypertension is a complication of severe scoliosis 4. Know the association between thoracic vertebral rotation and central airway obstruction 5. Prevention and therapeutic approach a. Prevention b. Therapeutic approach 1. Know that surgical intervention in children and adolescents with scoliosis may be indicated to prevent worsening of lung function c. Side effects of therapy 1. Recognize that atelectasis, hemothorax, pneumothorax, pulmonary edema, and fat emboli are complications of surgical management of scoliosis 2. Recognize that underlying neuromuscular disease increases the risks of postoperative complications in patients with scoliosis 3. Recognize that scoliosis surgery in patients with muscular weakness (SMA, Duchenne muscular dystrophy) does not improve lung function or prevent progression of pulmonary complications and respiratory failure 6. Prognosis a. Natural history b. Prognosis with therapy 2. Pleural space a. Effusion 1. Epidemiology 2. Etiology/genetics