Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 680 ❚ c. Know the factors that influence the measurement of single-breath DLCO 4. Airway responsiveness a. Bronchodilator testing 1. Know spirometric criteria for a positive response to bronchodilators 2. Know that a child with FEV1 that is 100% of predicted value can still show a positive response to bronchodilators b. Bronchoprovocation (challenge) testing 1. Understand the indications for bronchoprovocation testing 2. Know the time course of bronchoconstriction following different bronchoprovocation challenges (eg, methacholine, cold air, histamine, and antigen challenges) 3. Know how to interpret a bronchoprovocation test (eg, methacholine, cold air, histamine, and antigen challenges) 4. Know which medications and foods should be avoided prior to bronchial challenge tests 5. Know that airway reactivity may fluctuate over time as a function of allergen exposure, respiratory tract infections, and other factors 6. Know the difference between PC20 and PD20 in bronchial provocation testing 7. Know the risks of bronchoprovocation testing 8. Know the contraindications for bronchoprovocation testing 9. Know how to interpret pulmonary function changes during an exercise test for asthma 5. Exercise testing a. Recognize indications for measuring exercise tolerance in children b. Know how to recognize the anaerobic threshold on progressive exercise testing c. Know that the usual responses to progressive exercise below the anaerobic threshold are linear increases in pulse, respiratory rate, oxygen consumption, and carbon dioxide production d. Know that arterial oxygen saturation remains stable and the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood remains stable or decreases slightly with exercise in normal children e. Know the factors that limit maximum volume of oxygen utilization during exercise f. Know the mechanisms that lead to hypoxemia during exercise g. Know that above the anaerobic threshold minute ventilation initially increases linearly with carbon dioxide production 6. Respiratory muscle testing a. Know how to measure inspiratory and expiratory muscle strength b. Recognize indications for measuring inspiratory and expiratory muscle strength in children c. Understand limitations of measuring inspiratory and expiratory muscle strength in children 7. Interpretation of pulmonary function tests a. Recognize restrictive lung disease on pulmonary function testing b. Recognize obstructive lung disease on pulmonary function testing c. Recognize the flow-volume loop configurations typical of variable extrathoracic obstruction