Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Neumología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 687 e. Toxicity and side effects 1. Recognize the side effects of the various adrenergic agents 2. Recognize the side effects of beta-2 drugs administered by inhalation, as opposed to orally 3. Recognize the potential risks of long-acting beta-2 agonists 2. Theophylline a. Indications 1. Know that theophylline may be indicated for symptoms of nocturnal asthma and is an alternative, but not preferred, long-term preventative asthma therapy if cost or compliance with inhaled medications is considered 2. Know that theophylline bolus and drip are only infrequently indicated in status asthmaticus and then only in the most severe cases b. Mechanism of action 1. Know the proposed mechanism of action of theophylline c. Clinical effects 1. Recognize nonbronchodilating effects of theophylline 2. Know when blood theophylline concentrations should be measured: acute therapy, chronic therapy d. Duration of action 1. Recognize drugs or conditions that affect clearance of theophylline e. Toxicity and side effects 1. Recognize the signs of acute theophylline overdose 2. Know the treatment of acute theophylline overdose 3. Recognize the chronic side effects of theophylline therapy 3. Anticholinergics a. Indications 1. Recognize indications for administration of anticholinergic drugs to patients with lung disease b. Mechanism of action 1. Understand the mechanism of action of ipratropium and tiotropium bromide c. Clinical effects 1. Understand bronchodilating and nonbronchodilating actions of anticholinergic drugs d. Duration of action 1. Anticipate the time of peak response and the expected duration of action of anticholinergic drugs e. Toxicity and side effects 1. Recognize the side effects of ipratropium and tiotropium 2. Recognize the side effects of atropine 3. Know why ipratropium has fewer side effects than atropine C. Corticosteroids 1. Indications a. Know when corticosteroids should be added to the therapeutic regimen of a patient 2. Mechanism of action