Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 716 ❚ 1. Definitions a. Know the definitions of and the factors that determine the various lung volumes and capacities b. Know the difference between lung compliance and total respiratory system compliance c. Know the definition of compliance d. Recognize the difference between static and dynamic compliance e. Know the definition of frequency dependence of compliance f. Know that specific compliance or elastance is the measured value normalized by another measurement, usually lung volume g. Know that compliance is the slope of a pressure- volume curve and varies as a function of lung volume h. Recognize that dynamic compliance decreases with increasing respiratory frequency in subjects with airway obstruction i. Know the definition of chest wall compliance j. Know how compliance varies as a function of lung volume k. Know the changes in specific compliance through childhood in normal children 2. Surface tension (see VIII.O) a. Know the definition of surface tension b. Know the method of measuring surface tension c. Understand the LaPlace relationship as it applies to alveolar curvature, alveolar surface tension, and lung recoil d. Know that pulmonary surfactant lowers surface tension to a greater extent when the alveolar surface is being compressed than when it is expanded (hysteresis) e. Understand how surfactant stabilizes alveoli of different sizes by changing the surface tension at the alveolar air-liquid interface 3. Elastic recoil of the lung a. Recognize the pressure-volume curve of the normal lung b. Know that the pressure-volume characteristics of the normal lung reflect surface forces and tissue recoil c. Know that the inflation and deflation pressure-volume curves of the lung differ (hysteresis) d. Know that the normal lung is relatively stiff at total lung capacity and relatively compliant at functional residual capacity e. Recognize factors that influence lung compliance in health and disease f. Know how to measure static and dynamic pulmonary compliance g. Know the relative contributions of surface forces and tissue forces to lung recoil 4. Static mechanics of the chest wall a. Know the pressure-volume characteristics of the chest wall of a normal child b. Know how the pressure-volume curve of the chest wall of an infant differs from that of the older child or adult c. Know that a normal pressure-volume curve of the chest wall assumes that the respiratory muscles are relaxed d. Know that the chest wall is relatively stiff at low lung volumes and relatively compliant at volumes above functional residual capacity e. Recognize factors that influence chest wall compliance in health and disease