Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Neumología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 725 j. Identify a type II error 5. Measurement of association and effect a. Understand how to interpret relative risk and absolute risk b. Understand how to interpret odds ratio c. Understand how to interpret number needed to treat or harm d. Understand how to interpret hazard ratio e. Understand when to use and how to interpret correlation coefficient 6. Regression a. Understand when to use and how to interpret regression analysis (eg, linear, logistic) b. Understand when to use and how to interpret survival analysis (eg, Kaplan Meier) 7. Diagnostic tests a. Recognize the importance of an independent "gold standard" in evaluating a diagnostic test b. Interpret sensitivity and specificity c. Interpret positive and negative predictive values d. Understand how disease prevalence affects the positive and negative predictive value of a test e. Interpret a receiver operating characteristic curve 8. Systematic reviews and meta-analysis a. Understand the purpose of a systematic review b. Understand the advantages of adding a meta-analysis to a systematic review c. Interpret the results of a meta-analysis B. Principles of Epidemiology and Clinical Research Design 1. Assessment of study design, performance and analysis (internal validity) a. Recognize and understand the strengths and limitations of a cohort study, case control study, and randomized controlled clinical trial b. Recognize the use and limitations of surrogate endpoints c. Understand the use of intent-to-treat analysis d. Understand how sample size affects the power of a study 2. Assessment of generalizability (external validity) a. Understand how nonrepresentative samples can bias results b. Assess how the data source (eg, diaries, billing data, discharge diagnostic code) may affect study results 3. Bias and confounding a. Identify common strategies in study design to avoid or reduce bias b. Identify common strategies in study design to avoid or reduce confounding 4. Causation a. Understand the difference between association and causation 5. Incidence and prevalence a. Distinguish disease incidence from disease prevalence 6. Screening a. Understand factors that affect the rationale for screening for a condition or disease (eg, prevalence, test accuracy, risk benefit, disease burden, presence of a presymptomatic state) 7. Cost benefit, cost effectiveness, and outcomes