Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 726 ❚ a. Interpret cost-effectiveness ratios b. Distinguish costs from charges c. Understand quality-adjusted life years 8. Measurement a. Understand the types of validity that relate to measurement (eg, face, construct, criterion, predictive, content) b. Distinguish accuracy from precision c. Understand when to use and how to interpret a kappa coefficient C. Ethics in Research 1. Professionalism and misconduct in research a. Identify and manage potential conflicts of interest in the funding, design, and/or execution of a research study b. Identify various forms of research misconduct (eg, plagiarism, fabrication, falsification) c. Know how, and to whom, to report concerns of research misconduct 2. Principles of research with human subjects a. Understand and contrast the functions of an Institutional Review Board and a Data Safety Monitoring Board b. Recognize the types of protections in designing research that might be afforded to children and other vulnerable populations c. Understand the federal regulatory definitions regarding which activities are considered research and what constitutes human subjects research d. Understand the federal regulatory definition of minimal risk and apply this to research involving children e. Understand the ethical considerations of study design (eg, placebo, harm of intervention, deception, flawed design) 3. Principles of consent and assent a. Understand what constitutes informed consent in research b. Distinguish between consent and assent in research involving children D. Quality Improvement 1. Design of a Project a. Understand various models of quality improvement and recognize that all utilize a data-informed, iterative process using tests of change to achieve a stated aim b. Understand that the aim of any quality improvement project should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-limited c. Understand strategies to optimize identification of key drivers and interventions to achieve a specific aim d. Understand tools to facilitate completion of quality improvement work, including key driver diagrams and process maps e. Understand each phase of a Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle 2. Data and Measurement a. Differentiate between process, outcome, and balancing measures b. Interpret a run chart and identify shifts, trends, and outliers in data c. Differentiate between a run chart and a control chart d. Differentiate between common cause and special cause variation