Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Neurología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 745 European syllabus concept version March 9 th , 2019, Approved by the full EPNS board - 8(12) - Paediatric Neurology, General Paediatrics as well as Adult Neurology in order to give the opportunity to acquire the necessary competencies. Entry to the training programme should normally be through application for a vacant post, which is nationally advertised and interviewed for in a structured fashion. It is expected that training programmes will contain a mix of (1) direct supervised clinical care of patients, (2) a taught programme, which contains formal lectures and seminars, (3) informal clinical and tutorial style work, (4) national and international training courses and (5) supervised home / electronic / library work. The detailed structure of such programmes is not given but the expected outcomes are. The ideal way of satisfying a training programme is through demonstrating effective learning and achieved competencies. 3.1 Paediatric Neurology training 3.1.A. Main modules The paediatric neurology training programme is structured in three main obligatory modules, each containing a specific area of expertise and skill. Including extra study in one or more of the special fields the duration of the programme will take in general 5 years. i. Paediatric Neurology trunk module The trainee works in a recognised specialist / tertiary paediatric neurology unit(s). During this time the trainee acquires expertise in the diagnosis and management of infants, children and adolescents with neurological disease. It should include all the above mentioned basic fields in paediatric neurology (see section 2.1). This also includes direct involvement with children in intensive and neonatal care units and basic assessment and management of children with psychiatric illness. This module should include the assessment and management of children undergoing neurosurgery. This training involves attendance at investigation meetings (e.g. radiology, genetics, pathology and neurophysiology), which are integral to clinical management. Training should be extended when further sub speciality competencies are required in special fields Normal duration over 2 years. ii. General Paediatrics General paediatric training should normally reach the level of the common paediatric trunk training as defined by the European Academy of Paediatrics (EAP) /Paediatric Section of the Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes (UEMS); http/ /http://eapaediatrics.The EAP/Paediatric Section of the UEMS recommends that the Common Trunk Curriculum training in general paediatrics is 3 years followed by 2-3 years of paediatric speciality training. It is emphasised that all specialists in Paediatric Neurology should have a solid training in General Paediatrics including Neonatology. When such national rules allow an entry from Neurology, or an entry directly to Paediatric Neurology as a distinct specialty, it is recommended that trainees should