Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Neurología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 747 European syllabus concept version March 9 th , 2019, Approved by the full EPNS board - 10(12) - 3.1.C Research training in paediatric neurology It is important that trainees are encouraged to carry out clinical or basic research and that units are equipped to provide a research training, supervision of research and a peer group of research workers. The clinical content of the research should be recognised as part of their clinical training as agreed upon with the senior paediatric neurology tutor and national rules but may not be more than 6 months of the total training for Paediatric Neurologist. 4. Tutoring of training A senior Paediatric Neurology tutor should be assigned to each trainee at the beginning of his / her training. This tutor is a senior Paediatric Neurologist who has appropriate teaching and management experience. The tutor should have research experience in paediatric neurology, but if they do not, then they should arrange for the trainee to gain research supervision from a different supervisor. He/she assesses and advises on the trainee’s progress at least 6 monthly and especially pays attention to development of the necessary clinical and practical skills. On a shorter-term b asis, each trainee’s pr ogress is monitored by the tutor (or one of the teachers) in the training centre- for example by short clinical audits and by the trainee themselves. The trainee maintains a portfolio, which documents relevant training experiences in the above domains, providing evidence of the relevant competencies. Although clinical vignettes can be used, patient identifiable information must not be recorded in a training record. Successful completion of a training module is certified by the tutor in a detailed documentation of the module- the experience, competence and knowledge acquired. 5. Training centres Training centres and units are defined by the clinical and teaching facilities available as they apply to the detailed requirements of the modules. Several institutions, located in close proximity, may combine in the one training centre. In such a case one qualified individual must be the designated training centre director who represents this centre to outside bodies and carries responsibility for the programme. Most of those practicing paediatric neurology will work at least in part within the framework of a specialised tertiary care unit, department or hospital. A paediatric neurologist working for a significant amount of time within a secondary level unit would be expected to have the majority of sessions within a fully equipped tertiary unit.