Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 748 ❚ European syllabus concept version March 9 th , 2019, Approved by the full EPNS board - 11(12) - 6 Examinations / certifications Considering the rarity of many neurological disorders, it is inevitable that there will be variability in the acquisition of competencies. The task of the final assessment is to review the whole training and the performance of the trainee to see if they broadly satisfy the training requirements and are effective paediatric neurologists. It takes many years to gain competence in almost all neurological disorders. The training scheme should be able to identify a development plan for the trainee after accreditation in order to ensure a system for accredited reregistration after set time intervals. It is a matter for national bodies to decide if they wish to conduct exit examinations in paediatric neurology. However, if the national body does not have a formal exit examination, they should be able to supply written confirmation that the trainee has undertaken an accredited program that meets the above EPNS guideline and has acquired the relevant competencies successfully. It is strongly recommended that in the absence of a formal examination or board examination at the end of the training of a Paediatric Neurologists, national societies constitute some framework to assess if competencies acquired during training as a Paediatric Neurologist meet the criteria of this Syllabus. It must be stressed that acquiring knowledge of paediatric neurology and keeping this knowledge up to date does not finish at the end of training. We strongly recommend the National societies to develop or continue a cyclic process of reregistration as Paediatric Neurologist in which elements of theoretical and practical knowledge and experience are checked.