Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 776 ❚ CURRÍCULUM DE FORMACIÓN EN PEDIATRÍA DE ATENCIÓN PRIMARIA 8 FOREWORD The European Confederation of Primary Care Paediatricians (ECPCP) is the voice of paediatricians in Europe, at a time when their work in primary health care (PC) is being ques- tioned by health politicians in several countries. ECPCP was founded in Berlin in November 2009 with the goal of advocating paediatri- cians as the best trained professionals to provide PC for children, young people and their families. ECPCP has grown since then and today embodies more than 20.000 PC paediatri- cians from 20 PC paediatric organizations in the European region. Two years ago, during the third meeting of ECPCP held in Strasbourg, a small group of enthusiastic PC paediatricians led by Carmen Villaizan from the Spanish Association of Pri- mary Care Paediatricians (AEPap), proposed the creation of a curriculum working group. This group was assigned the task of writing a curriculum for a competence based training in pae- diatric PC settings. The content of this curriculum should focus on effectiveness of interven- tions and patient safety attuned to the special requirements of PC for children and adoles- cents. During the last two years the group did excellent work, including a comprehensive re- view of the literature and studying different training programs and quality indicators for the elaboration of the curriculum written by and for PC paediatricians. The source for this curriculum is the world- wide standard post-graduate curriculum edited by the Global Pediatric Education Consortium (GPEC) whose chair is Alfred Tenore past president of European Academy of Paediatrics (EAP). He inspired us with his strong advocy for primary care paediatrics. Another impulse comes from the COSI project, coordinated by Gottfried Huss, now President of ECPCP. The COSI project organized a search and broad European consensus of a core set of performance indicators for practicing PC paediatrics which will be applied in a pilot study in 13 countries soon As leaders of ECPCP, we are proud to introduce now the completed competence-based curriculum for PC paediatricians. The curriculum represents an essential framework for professionals working with chil- dren in primary care, and surely will be the reference not only for us in ECPCP, but also for Paediatricians working in non-European countries. We wish to pay tribute to everyone in- volved in this ambitious project, and in particular to the Group leader Carmen Villaizan. With- out her quiet and patient dedication, her commitment to methodology and her effectiveness, this long awaited curriculum would never have seen the light of day. Dr. Elke Jaeger-Roman Dr. Luis S á nchez Past President ECPCP President ECPCP