Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 1052 ❚ 5 The end result of the training programme envisaged and detailed below will provide for the needs of Paediatric Emergency Medicine Physician (PEMP) who is a tertiary care specialist and whose scope of practice would be expected to encompass: • The PEMP is able to look after patients with a wide range of pathologies, from the life threatening to the self-limiting, within all paediatric age groups in the ED setting. • Essential to the work of the PEMP is the principle that all decisions should be made in the best interests of the child or young person in their care. • The PEMP is able to safely and effectively identify those children needing admission and those that can be discharged. • The PEMP is able to conduct a primary assessment and take appropriate steps to stabilise and treat critically ill and injured children. • The PEMP is able to work in the difficult and challenging environment of the ED and is able to re-prioritise and respond to new and urgent situations. • The PEMP is an expert at directing and co-ordinating medical, surgical and trauma resuscitations involving children. • The PEMP is skilled at practical procedures especially those needed for resuscitation. • The PEMP is able to interact with, co-ordinate, educate and supervise all members of the ED team. • The PEMP is able to understand the unique interaction of the ED with every part of the hospital and its significant role in interacting with the external community.