Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 1058 ❚ 11 health of individual patients, communities or populations. § Scholar: demonstrates lifelong commitment to reflective learning and to creation, dissemination, translation of medical knowledge. § Professional: committed to the health and wellbeing of individuals and society through ethical practice, professional led regulation and high personal standards of behaviour. c. Logbook i. The trainee should keep a written logbook of patients they have seen, procedures conducted, diagnostic and therapeutic interventions instigated and followed up. This will constitute part of their portfolio. ii. The trainee will be required to keep his/her personal logbook or equivalent up-to-date according to national guidelines and European Union directives. The logbook must be endorsed by his/her tutor or authorised deputy. The trainee should attend and provide evidence of attendance at local, regional and national meetings. iii. Attendance at international meetings is considered essential for tertiary care training in general. It is highly recommended to give presentations at these meetings. d. Competency assessment Competencies should be evaluated throughout the training period. There are a number of different tools for this, describing different aspects of training. Some of these are set out below. Formal and informal reflection on these assessments is an important aspect of their success. Assessment Purpose Method