Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 1064 ❚ 17 B 12. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs). B 13. Haematology and Oncology, including: a. Sickle cell disease and crisis; b. Anaemia; c. Purpura; d. Leukaemia/ lymphoma; e. The management of the immunocompromised patient. H 14. Infection, Immunology and Allergy, including: a. Septic shock; b. Febrile child; c. Common exanthems; d. Inoculation injuries; e. Anaphylaxis. B 15. Neonatology, including: a. Congenital heart disease; b. Jaundice; c. Sepsis. H 16. Nephro-urology, including: a. Urinary tract infections (UTI); b. Acute scrotal pain. H 17. Neurological conditions, including: a. Altered consciousness; b. Meningitis;