Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Cardiología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 39 Page 19 of 64 Paediatric Cardiology curriculum Use of clinical guidelines Quality improvement and audit Evidence of research activity End of placement reports 6. Acting as a clinical teacher and clinical supervisor Descriptors • Delivers effective teaching and training to medical students, junior doctors and other health care professionals • Delivers effective feedback with action plan • Able to supervise less experienced trainees in their clinical assessment and management of patients • Able to supervise less experienced trainees in carrying out appropriate practical procedures • Able to act a clinical supervisor to doctors in earlier stages of training GPCs Domain 1: Professional values and behaviours Domain 8: Capabilities in education and training Evidence to inform decision MCR MSF TO Relevant training course End of placement reports 3.3 Specialty capabilities in practice The specialty CiPs describe the clinical tasks or activities which are essential to the practice of Paediatric Cardiology. The CiPs have been mapped to the nine GPC domains to reflect the professional generic capabilities required to undertake the clinical tasks. Satisfactory sign off will require educational supervisors to make entrustment decisions on the level of supervision required for each CiP and if this is satisfactory for the stage of training, the trainee can progress. More detail is provided in the programme of assessment section of the curriculum. KEY CbD Case-based discussion DOPS Direct observation of procedural skills GCP Good Clinical Practice KBA Knowledge based assessment Mini-CEX Mini-clinical evaluation exercise MCR Multiple consultant report MSF Multi source feedback PS Patient / parent survey QIPAT Quality improvement project assessment tool TO Teaching observation ACAT Acute care assessment tool