Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 66 ❚ Page 46 of 64 Paediatric Cardiology curriculum appropriate levels of clinical supervision throughout training, with increasing clinical independence and responsibility. Formal postgraduate teaching The content of these sessions are determined by the local faculty of medical education and will be based on the curriculum. There are many opportunities throughout the year for formal teaching in the local postgraduate teaching sessions and at regional, national and international meetings. Many of these are organised by the Royal Colleges of Physicians. Suggested activities include: • a programme of formal bleep-free regular teaching sessions to cohorts of trainees (e.g. a weekly training hour for IM teaching within a training site) • case presentations • research, audit and quality improvement projects • lectures and small group teaching • Grand Rounds • clinical skills demonstrations and teaching • critical appraisal and evidence based medicine and journal clubs • joint specialty meetings • attendance at training programmes organised on a deanery or regional basis, which are designed to cover aspects of the training programme outlined in this curriculum. Learning with peers - There are many opportunities for trainees to learn with their peers. Local postgraduate teaching opportunities allow trainees of varied levels of experience to come together for small group sessions. Independent self-directed learning Trainees will use this time in a variety of ways depending upon their stage of learning. Suggested activities include: • reading, including web-based material such as e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH) • maintenance of personal portfolio (self-assessment, reflective learning, personal development plan) • webinars, remote learning opportunities • audit, quality improvement and research projects • reading journals • achieving personal learning goals beyond the essential, core curriculum Formal study courses Time to be made available for formal courses is encouraged, subject to local conditions of service. Examples include management and leadership courses and communication courses, which are particularly relevant to patient safety and experience. 4.3 Academic training The four nations have different arrangements for academic training and doctors in training should consult the local deanery for further guidance.